How to Disable CompatTelRunner.exe in Windows 10 1

How to Disable CompatTelRunner.exe in Windows 10

Windows has a number of background processes and services that consume a lot of system resources and cause your computer to lag and shut down at the most inopportune moments. One such process is CompatTelRunner.exe, which many users claim is often hogging CPU or storage I/O, thus slowing down their computer. Here we will learn how to disable CompatTelRunner.exe in Windows 10 to help you reduce the unnecessary load on your system.

Disable CompatTelRunner.exe on Windows 10 PC

We will discuss two ways to disable CompatTelRunner.exe on Windows PCs. The first and easiest is via the Task Scheduler, but we’ll also discuss how to do that using a registry tweak to give you an extra option. But before that, we’ll take a look at what it is and what it does on Windows computers.

What is CompatTelRunner.exe?

CompatTelRunner.exe is the executable process for the ‘Windows Compatibility Telemetry’ service that collects usage and performance data and sends it to Microsoft. It is available on all Windows 10 machines by default and was installed as an update announced in Windows 8/8.1/7. KB2977759. The company claims that the process helps improve the user experience on Windows, but many users claim that it is a huge resource hog that slows down their computer, especially at startup.

Is CompatTelRunner Safe?

it should be. Windows Compatibility Telemetry is Microsoft’s own software, so it’s not technically malware. However, it collects system resources in the background, collects data from your computer and reinstalls itself even if you uninstall it – all very sneaky and unwarranted behavior. It is executed using the Windows Task Scheduler and is enabled by default, but you can disable it without any problems.

Is It Safe to Disable CompatTelRunner.exe?

Yes like that. This is just a resource-hungry data collection process for Microsoft, so it’s not only safe to disable it, but recommended for more reasons than that. So without further delay, let’s see how to disable CompatTelRunner.exe on Windows 10 machines.

Disable CompatTelRunner Using Task Scheduler

  • Open Windows Task Scheduler by searching for ‘scheduling’ in the Windows search bar.
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  • Go now Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > Application Experience (Double-click each option).

How to Disable CompatTelRunner.exe in Windows 10

  • Disable all tasks in this folder. To disable a task, right-click on it and select ‘Disable’.

Disable CompatTelRunner

  • Go now Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > Customer Experience Improvement Program and disable all tasks in that folder as well.

Disable CompatTelRunner in Windows 10

This much. You have successfully disabled the Windows Compatibility Telemetry service on your computer.

Disable CompatTelRunner Using Registry Editor

  • Start Registry Editor as Administrator (Type “Regedit” in the Windows search bar, right-click on the application icon and select ‘Run as Administrator’).

How to Disable CompatTelRunner.exe in Windows 10

  • Now go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT> CurrentVersion > AppCompatFlags > TelemetryControllerusing the left pane (Double click on each option).

How to Disable CompatTelRunner.exe in Windows 10

  • Now Right click on ‘TelemetryController’ and select ‘Rename’.

How to Disable CompatTelRunner.exe in Windows 10

  • Finally, rename it to ‘TelemteryControllerX’ and restart the computer.

Disable Compatibility Telemetry Service in Windows 10

This much. Now you know two ways to disable Windows Compatibility Telemetry service on your PC.

Improve PC Performance by Disabling the Windows Compatibility Telemetry Service

Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry service doesn’t add anything to your PC, but slows your system down by consuming CPU and disk resources. Now that you know the process and what it does, go ahead, disable CompatTelRunner on your computer and let us know if it makes a noticeable difference.