There are many reasons why you might want to delete your browser history. Whatever reason you choose, here’s how to delete your iPhone 6s browser history in Safari.
First off, it’s important to remember that your browser history and search history are two different things. This guide will show you how to delete your browser history, but we also have a guide on how to delete your Google Search history, which is just as important.
Unless you’re browsing with Private Browsing Mode enabled, every website you visit is recorded in the web browser’s history. This can be a convenient feature to make sure it lets you find a website that you might have forgotten about weeks later and need to revisit.
Also, having your browsing history saved makes web browsing easier and faster in the first place. When a web browser saves your history, it also saves URLs, so when you go to type a web address, your web browser will fill it in automatically if you’ve visited that website before.
This can be great sometimes, but you may not want your iPhone 6s to save your browsing history in the first place, and we don’t blame you. Not only does it show you which websites you visit, storing all this information takes up valuable storage space on your device, and it’s a good place to clear your browser’s history and cache if you’re running out of disk space fast. Start.
Here’s how to delete your iPhone 6s browser history in Safari on iOS 9.
How to Delete iPhone 6s Browser History
If for some reason you need to clear your iPhone 6s browser history, iOS and Safari make it easy. It takes less than 30 seconds and less than 10 seconds if you already know how.
All you have to do is open the app and then tap the Bookmarks icon at the bottom. There will be an icon that looks like an open book.
From there, tap the same icon towards the top if it’s not already selected and then tap on it. This will show you your browser history and all the websites you visited on your iPhone 6s.
The next step is to tap on the bottom. This will bring up several options: Last Hour, Today, Today and yesterday and All time. These are self-explanatory and only allow you to delete browser history within a certain time range; This makes it a great feature if you only need to clean up a few websites you visited today or even yesterday.
Once you select an option, these websites will be deleted instantly and Always, you will open a clean slate in Safari. Tap to exit History and return to the browser.
In the future, if you want to surf the web without Safari saving your tracks, you can use Safari’s Private Browsing Mode.
Also, Private Browsing Mode and normal browsing mode work simultaneously in Safari in iOS 9, making it even easier to access Private Browsing Mode and quickly browse through any tabs left open. While in Private Mode, you can zip the screen and see all your open tabs you have open, and then return to normal browsing by tapping at the bottom.
Note that the predictive text feature on the iOS keyboard learns from what you type in Private Browsing Mode in Safari and will be used in the future even when not in private mode.
In any case, whatever you do, be sure to cover your tracks after you’ve finished browsing Safari, whether in normal mode or Private Browsing Mode, by deleting your browser history as needed.