Getting sudden suggestions on your Netflix profile? Or you may want to hide from your friends what you watched last summer. If you clear the Netflix history, you can avoid judging glances or suggestions of unwanted content. In this post, we will see how to delete the Netflix history on your profile to remove and hide any title you want. We will also look at how to remove shows from ongoing watchlist and downloads. So, without further ado, let’s get started.
How to Delete Netflix History in 2022
There are multiple ways to remove items from your profile suggestions. For example, if you don’t want anyone to know what you’re watching, you should remove your Netflix viewing history. It will also remove similar suggestions from your profile in the future. If you no longer want to watch a particular TV show or movie, you can remove it from the watch list. Similarly, you can dislike a show/movie and use an extension so that the title never appears in front of you. Let’s see how to manage your Netflix history step by step.
How to Delete Netflix Watch History
Netflix stores our watch history on the server side. This means that deleting it from one device will also remove the viewing history from other devices. For example, if you remove the viewing history from your profile using a laptop, the effects will be reflected on Smart TV, Roku, Xbox, PlayStation, smartphone and more. However, it may take some time to see the effects on all devices. So you don’t have to worry if someone in your family lives in another state; You can manage their viewing history by sitting at home. With that in mind, let’s see how to remove Netflix’s viewing history.
Using a Windows PC or Mac
Deleting Netflix viewing history is a simple process and requires you to log into your Netflix account from a browser. Follow the steps below to learn how to delete Netflix viewing history instantly.
- Firstly, log in to your Netflix account. scanner.
- Then go to Account settings by clicking the profile icon.
- Now scroll down and open Profile and Parental Controls for the profile you want to update
- Open view activity for the profile.
- Now, “oblique circleThe ” symbol is next to the title to remove it from the list.
- After hiding a single episode, you can also hide the entire series.
- To delete the entire history of a profile, click “keep allPress the ” button.
- Confirm removal of all data on the next page.
Congratulations! You have successfully removed titles from your watch history and no one will know you watched them.
Using Android/iOS App
Netflix’s smartphone apps have some great features, like the Just for Laughs section. However, Netflix does not allow you to change account settings from the native app. Therefore, to clear your viewing history, you need to access your Netflix account from a browser on your smartphone. You can also use the app to open the account settings page directly. Open the Netflix app, tap your profile icon and choose account settings. It will take you to the account settings page using a browser. You can then follow the same steps outlined in the section above.
Now, let’s look at some of the limitations and additional effects of deleting Netflix history.
What Happens When You Delete Netflix History?
Deleting Netflix history is sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse. If you get what you want, like removing headers from suggestions, it may work in your favor. Or you could accidentally ruin your suggestions by unknowingly deleting a thread. So, here is everything you need to know before making your final decision.
- You cannot hide watched captions from children’s profile.
- It may take up to 24 hours for the title to be removed from your history.
- There is no way to get the history back after it has been removed.
- The title disappears from the list of movies/shows you watched.
- Netflix doesn’t use them to make recommendations for your profile unless you watch them again.
- Headlines will be removed from your current line.
Chrome Extension to Prevent Unliked Content
Now, let’s say you accidentally watched a horror movie that still gives you goosebumps. You can remove the title from your history to avoid similar suggestions. However, you may see the different species browning every once in a while. If even watching a thumbnail of a title takes you on an unpleasant nostalgic trip, you may want to keep it forever. However, there is no such option on Netflix. It only deletes the header thumbnail if you don’t like it.
Here “Neverending Netflix” chrome extension comes to your rescue. It has a lot of benefits, such as the option to automatically play the next episode or always watch the credits, automatically skip intros, and hide titles you don’t like.
How to Remove Items from the Continue Watchlist
The perpetual watchlist on Netflix shows you the content you haven’t fully watched. You may have lost interest in a movie or someone may have used your account to watch their preferred show. I recommend locking your Netflix profile with a PIN to prevent anyone else from using it. In any case, removing a title from the ongoing watch list on Netflix will help you manage recommendations while avoiding unwanted content. To learn more, check out our article on how to remove items from the constant watch list on Netflix.
How do you recover Netflix history?
Once a title is deleted, there is no way to recover the history on Netflix. However, if you have similar suggestions, you can watch the content again.
Why can’t I find a title in my Netflix history?
If the title is removed from Netflix, you’ll see a blank space in Netflix’s watch history instead of the title name. This usually happens when Netflix’s rights to a movie/show expire and are not renewed.
Can you see how many times you’ve watched something on Netflix?
You can download a detailed copy of your Netflix history to check how many times you’ve watched a show. It also provides the searches you make and the time you spend on each show. The download option is available on the View History page on Netflix.
Clearing History on Netflix
Removing items from your viewing history on Netflix is primarily useful for managing your content recommendations. Another benefit is to prevent others from knowing what you’re watching if you’re hesitant about content. In this article, we have discussed how to remove titles from your watch history on Netflix. Since the viewing history is specific to each profile, you can edit various recommendations in different profiles. We also discussed how to remove content from your continue watching line. I hope you enjoyed the article and found answers to your questions. If not, feel free to comment below with your questions on the subject.