Discord is one of the popular chat apps you can use to stay connected, share your screen, and even listen to music with your friends and communities. While you can add one of the Discord music bots to your server for listening with a community, Discord also offers neat integration with Spotify to show what you’re listening to as your Discord status. That way, your friends can discover new music, see what you’re up to, and even choose to listen to.
Connect Spotify to Discord in 2021
Today, we will talk about the methods you can follow to connect your Spotify account to Discord on PC and mobile devices. You can skip to the section you are interested in using the table of contents button below.
Add Spotify to Discord account on PC
1. Login to your Discord account from PC and Click on the Settings icon next to your username in the lower left corner of the screen. Clicking this will take you to Discord’s Settings page.
2nd. Click on Spotify in the Connections section in user settings. Here you will see the option to link your Spotify account along with accounts on other platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, Battle.net, Steam, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Xbox Live and GitHub. Click on Spotify and wait for confirmation.
3. As soon as you click on Spotify, a pop-up window will appear asking you to log into Spotify. Once you are successfully logged in, you will see your Spotify account in the Connections section of Discord.
4th pass ‘View Spotify as your status’ offers controls to enable or disable Spotify listening status. By the way, if you want to add a link to your Spotify profile in your Discord profile, don’t forget to enable the ‘Show on profile’ toggle. As a result, your friends can easily access your Spotify account and play some of your favorite public playlists.
5. As you can see below, people on opposite Discord servers will now see what you’re listening to, along with current progress. Others can choose to join you in the listening session by clicking the ‘Listen Together’ button next to the ‘Play on Spotify’ button.
6. Your friends on Discord can see what you’re listening to in the ‘Active Now’ section. For example, one of my friends listens to Arctic Monkeys to cure Monday syndrome.
Add Spotify to Discord account on mobile
1. Open the Discord app and Tap your avatar to access user settings. From the user settings section, Tap the Connections menu.
2. All your existing links will appear here. If you haven’t connected Discord to any other service before, tap the Add button in the top right corner.
3. Now select Spotify from the list of services that appear. You will now need to log into your Spotify account and authorize Discord.
4. One last step you should follow, Enable Device release permission from Spotify settings. This is necessary for Discord to see what you’re listening to. After granting this permission, your listening status will appear in Discord even if you are listening from Spotify’s mobile app.
Integrate Spotify with Discord and Listen With Your Friends
Connecting Spotify with Discord is a nice way to share what you’re listening to with your friends. Whether you’re shivering to your favorite tunes or enjoying soothing ambient music in a study session with a friend, Spotify and Discord have you covered. If you’re new to Discord, be sure to check out our coverage of helpful Discord bots and learn how to set up Discord bots to improve your server.