How to Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11 1

How to Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11

If you are having trouble accessing certain websites or applications, one way to fix it is to clear the DNS cache on your computer. How you do this depends on the device you are using as this will vary from Windows to Mac and Chrome OS to Linux. In this article, we will show you how to clear DNS cache in Windows 11. We’ll also tell you about the DNS cache and how clearing it can help fix random connection issues.

Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11 (2021)

If you’re still having connection issues even after deleting temporary files and clearing the app cache on your Windows 11 computer, the underlying problem may be in the way the network is configured. you will do to fix it You need to flush the DNS resolver settings on your computer. Best practice also requires restarting your modem and router to clear all cached DNS settings. Having said that, let’s get started:

note: This tutorial focuses on clearing the DNS cache in Windows 11. For other platforms, check how to clear DNS cache on Android and how to clear DNS cache on macOS devices..

What Is DNS Cache and Why Should You Maintain It?

The DNS cache is a file on your computer that contains the hostnames and IP addresses of the websites you visit. As the name suggests, it caches the web page, which causes the site to load faster the next time you open it. Caches are located on the client computer and the servers of the ISP (Internet Service Provider).

While most internet-connected systems automatically update the cache and hostname, problems arise when the IP address of a webpage changes before updating. This is because the page cannot load in your browser, you may have connection problems. Emptying the DNS cache removes all stored (cached) information, forcing the computer to retrieve relevant new data instead of serving old and old data.

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Steps to Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11

note: This guide is only about clearing your DNS cache. To change your DNS service provider, check out our detailed tutorials on how to change DNS settings in Windows.

Method 1: Using Command Prompt

  • First, open a Command Prompt window in Administrator mode. To do this “cmd” (without the quotes) Select and in the Windows search bar. Run as administrator.

  • Now, copy and paste the following command: ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter to clear the DNS cache on your Windows 11 computer. You will receive a message saying the operation was successful.

How to Clear or Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11

Method 2: Using Windows PowerShell

Another way to clear the DNS cache on Windows 11 computers is to use PowerShell. This is how you do it:

  • Open Windows PowerShell in Administrator mode on your Windows PC. To do this, search for “powershell” in the Windows search bar and click it. Run as administrator.

How to Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11

  • Copy and paste the following command in the PowerShell window and press Enter: Clear-DnsClientCache. This will instantly clear your Windows 11 computer’s DNS cache.

How to Clear or Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11

Method 3: Using the Run Command

You can also clear the DNS cache directly from the Run dialog without opening Command Prompt or PowerShell. This is probably the easiest way to clear DNS cache on Windows computer and here is how it works:

  • Open the Run box using the Windows 11 keyboard shortcut Windows key + R. Now type the following command: ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. This will clear the DNS cache on your Windows 11 computer.

How to Clear or Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11

Method 4: Using a Batch File

Finally, if you prefer to automate the process of flushing the DNS cache on your Windows PC, you can create and use a batch file for this purpose. So, download this batch file and run it to flush DNS cache in Windows 11.

A batch file, if you’re not aware, contains a set of commands, and you can only run the file at scheduled intervals or on demand to execute those commands. For more information, see our in-depth article on batch files and how to use them to automate tasks in Windows.

Clear DNS Cache in Chrome

Some Windows applications, including Google Chrome, have their own DNS caches. It is separate from the DNS cache stored by your operating system. In these cases, you will also need to clear the DNS Cache of these apps. For Google Chrome you do it like this:

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  • First, open Google Chrome on your computer. Now copy and paste the following URL into the address bar of the browser: chrome://net-internals/#dns and press Enter. It will load the DNS tab of Chrome’s “net internal” page. Here, “Clear host cacheClick the ” button to clear Chrome’s DNS resolver cache.

How to Clear DNS Cache in Windows 11

Clear DNS Cache to Fix Connection Issues in Windows 11

Clearing the DNS cache may sound like a ton of tech jargon, but as you now know, it’s an easy undertaking. There are multiple ways to clear the DNS cache on Windows 11 computers, including using Command Prompt, PowerShell, and the Run command. So go ahead, clear cached DNS data on your Windows 11 computer to fix underlying connectivity issues and improve your privacy. Once you’ve done that, check out our other DNS-related articles, including the best DNS servers to use and the difference between VPN and DNS.