How to Cheaply Replace a Broken iPhone Out of Warranty 1

How to Cheaply Replace a Broken iPhone Out of Warranty

If you have a broken iPhone with no warranty or insurance, you may be looking at the possibility of paying your carrier $650 or more for a new iPhone covered contract, but there is a much cheaper and better option, even if it’s your way out. or holding a water-damaged iPhone.

Many iPhone owners don’t buy AppleCare+ to cover damage or spend $8 to $10 per month on iPhone insurance plans that cover damage, loss or theft. Apple only sells an extended warranty to users who are within 30 days of the initial iPhone purchase and the iPhone must be working at the time of purchase.

Here’s how to replace a broken iPhone cheaply, spending less than half of what carriers would charge.

If you’re holding a broken iPhone and it’s out of warranty or you don’t have any insurance or accident protection plans, you can still get a replacement for under $300; this is 50% less than what you would pay to buy a non-contract iPhone. On a carrier like AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint.

Apple offers an Out of Warranty Service that allows almost any iPhone owner to get a replacement for $269 or less. That’s a huge savings over the non-contract iPhone price.

You will need to bring the broken iPhone, so this will not help users whose iPhone is lost or stolen. Fortunately, an out-of-warranty iPhone replacement covers water damage, so if you drop an iPhone in water and AppleCare+ isn’t available, you can still get a replacement. The same goes for an iPhone with a cracked screen or not turning on. If you can handle your broken iPhone, you most likely qualify for an out-of-warranty iPhone replacement.

Out of Warranty iPhone Replacement Cost

If you can go to an Apple Store, that would be the fastest way to get an out-of-warranty iPhone replacement. Apple is a out of warranty service, but in most cases they will take your old iPhone and give you a new one on the same visit. Prices listed below are for out-of-warranty iPhone service at an Apple Store. You can’t get these prices from a carrier or retailer like Best Buy.

If you call and need to return phones, you’ll pay $6.95 or shipping costs. If you need an out-of-warranty iPhone replacement faster, Express Exchange Service and pay an additional $29.

Out of Warranty iPhone replacement cost is affordable and even covers water damage and cracked screens.

Out of Warranty iPhone replacement cost is affordable and covers even water damage and cracked screens.

With this additional fee and upgraded service, Apple will send you a new iPhone first, and then you send back the broken iPhone. This is ideal if you need the iPhone faster, but you’ll have to pay an additional fee if Apple refuses service due to the iPhone being in multiple parts or unauthorized modifications. There is also a fee if you do not send the iPhone or send it late.

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These are the best options for iPhone owners who don’t have insurance like AppleCare+, SquareTrade or Protect Your Bubble or carrier programs. If you’re covered by hardware warranty for defects, but you break the iPhone or drop it in water, you’re also eligible for this replacement service.

If you need to purchase an iPhone warranty or insurance, check out our comparison of price, coverage and breakdown, and the best options on the market.