If you have ever owned an Apple device, you should be familiar with the Apple ID sign-in process. You can create an Apple ID using your third-party email account (such as Gmail or Yahoo), but it has not been possible to associate an Apple domain address with it. You can already switch between third-party emails, but Apple has now made it possible to replace the third-party email ID with an Apple domain address.
And while Apple makes it much easier to manage an Apple account by allowing you to use an Apple domain address directly to sign in to your devices, there is no going back once you’ve done this procedure. The big disclaimer added to the Apple ID change process is that if you switch to an Apple domain, you won’t be able to return to a third-party email address. You’ll stick with it for life, and if you’re ready for it, let’s do it.
Change Third Party Email ID to iCloud
Apple ID change process only available for Gmail and Yahoo mail accounts. Before you start the process, you should remember that you have a working Apple domain account with email addresses ending with @iCloud.com, @me.com or @mac.com.
Using Your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
note: I tried this method on my iPhone 8 Plus running iOS 11 and it worked just fine. If it’s running iOS 10.3 or later, you can change the Apple ID on your iOS device.
1. On your iOS device, Tap Settings and your name (displayed at the top) to open your account settings. Then tap to turn it on. ‘Name, Phone Numbers, Email’ episode.
2. Here, Tap the ‘Edit’ button beside this ‘Communication can be made’ and remove your existing third party email id by tapping the red ‘minus’ button.
3. Now you will You will be prompted to add a new email address that will be used as an Apple ID, to the account before trying to remove the existing one. So, tap on ‘Go on’ To add your Apple domain address to your Apple ID
note: This method doesn’t work with Apple ID accounts that don’t have an iCloud mail account linked to them. The screen in question will then show an error saying @icloud.com is not a valid email address.
4. After entering your Apple domain address, Press ‘Next’ and then enter the verification number obtained from the email address in question To convert your Apple ID from a third-party email to an Apple domain. And voila, you’re done!
As you read above, The process of changing your Apple ID is very simple and does not require much work. However, if you are also currently setting up iCloud Mail, you cannot change your Apple ID from the currently used email ID to an Apple domain account.
I tried to change the Apple ID in my personal account but creation of a new iCloud Mail address account automatically added the same to the ‘Reachable Address’ section, as an alias. Thus, it eliminates the need for Apple ID replacement and allows you to use your third-party email address or iCloud address to log into your account.
Using the Apple ID Account Page
You can even change the Apple ID by visiting your account page on the web, although it’s easier to make the change on your iOS devices. Here are the steps you should follow:
1. Go to: appleid.apple.com and Sign in to your Apple account. You will be asked to verify your identity by answering two of the security questions you selected when setting up the account for the first time.
2. In the Accounts section, you need to: Click the “Edit” button next to the ‘Achievable Location’ section.
3. Now, under the Apple ID section, Click ‘Add More…’ and enter the Apple domain address now you plan to use it as your new login id.
4. Finally, what you need to do Click “Continue” to see your Apple ID change if you entered a valid @iCloud.com, @me.com, or @mac.com email address.
SEE ALSO: How to Create an Apple Music Profile in iOS 11
Apple ID: Sign in with an Apple Domain Address
If you’re having trouble logging into your Apple devices with a Gmail or Yahoo email address, you can now continue to consolidate your data into the Apple ecosystem by logging in with your Apple domain address. The previously associated third-party email address is now an additional email address for your Apple account. This means you can still log into your Apple account with the third-party email address, but all account-related communications will be sent to the iCloud Mail account. If you have any questions about the migration process, let us know in the comments section below.