How to Change Search Engine in Microsoft Edge Chromium 1

How to Change Search Engine in Microsoft Edge Chromium

Microsoft Edge Chromium loads better than the old Edge browser. It’s noticeably faster, renders sites smoothly, and is a blast to surf. But if you have just migrated from Google Chrome or Firefox Quantum, you will notice that the default search engine is set to Bing. We will show you how to change Search Engine to your favorite in Microsoft Edge Chromium.

I am happy with the healthy competition between search engines. But let’s face it. Bing sucks when it comes to generating decent search results. I find Google much more capable in this regard. Or DuckDuckGo when it comes to protecting my privacy.

But regardless of your preferred search engine, Microsoft Edge Chromium doesn’t make it easy to leave Bing. For starters, the option to change the default search engine in the address bar is hidden, out of sight.

There’s also a huge Bing search bar that glows in your face every time you start a new tab. But don’t worry, let’s take a look at what you can do to change the search engines for both the address bar and new tabs.

Change Default Search Engine in Address Bar

The address bar in Microsoft Edge Chromium plays a huge role when it comes to searching. Although the default search engine is set to Bing, you can change it to Google or another search engine, provided you know where to go in the browser’s Settings panel.

Stage 1: Open the Edge menu (click the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner of the window) and then click Settings.

Change Microsoft Edge Chromium Search Engine 1

Step 2: Click Privacy & Services in the left-hand navigation pane.

Replace Microsoft Edge Chromium Search Engine 2

Stage 3: Scroll down the Privacy & Services screen until you come across the section labeled Services. Below it, click the option labeled Address Bar.

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Step 4: Do you want to make Google or Yahoo your default search engine? If so, use the drop-down menu next to Search Engine Used in the Address Bar and then select Google or Yahoo. If you want to use another search engine, proceed to the next step.

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Step 5: Click Manage Search Engines.

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Step 6: Is the search engine you want to list on the Manage Search Engines screen? If so, skip to Step 8. Otherwise, open a new tab.

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Change Microsoft Edge Chromium Search Engine 6

Step 7: Visit the homepage of the search engine you want to make the default and do a search – it could be about anything. Let’s say I want to switch to DuckDuckGo – I go to the DuckDuckGo homepage and make a query.

Change Microsoft Edge Chromium Search Engine 7

Step 8: Go back to the Settings tab – you should see the search engine listed in it. Click the three-dot icon next to the search engine, then click Make Default.

Change Microsoft Edge Chromium Search Engine 8

Note: You can also use the Add button (top right corner of the screen) to add the search engine directly. However, this requires typing the search engine’s search query URL, which can be quite difficult to understand.

And that’s it. By default, all address bar searches you do from now on will be through the search engine you just specified.

Use Extension to Replace New Bing Tabs

Changing the default search engine of the address bar in Microsoft Edge Chromium does not change that big Bing search bar that appears in new tabs. And there is no way to change this behavior from the Edge Settings panel either. In short, by design you cannot replace new tabs with other search engines or web pages. Rascal.

However, I found an extension-based workaround that you can use to make Microsoft Edge Chromium open another page – in this case our preferred search engine – instead of the standard Edge tab every time you open it. But at the time of writing, I couldn’t find a dedicated Edge extension that can replace new tabs with other pages.

Fortunately, installing Chrome extensions in Edge is more than possible as both browsers are based on the same rendering engine.

Stage 1: Open the Edge menu and then click Extensions.

Change Microsoft Edge Chromium Search Engine 10

Step 2: Turn on the switch next to Allow Extensions from Other Stores – this option is located in the lower left corner of the screen. You can now install Chrome extensions on Microsoft Edge Chromium!

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Stage 3: Visit the Chrome Web Store. Search for the New Tab Redirect extension and then click Add to Chrome to install it.

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Note: There may be other extensions within the Chrome Web Store that can do the same job as New Tab Redirection. Do not hesitate to try them.

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Step 4: Click Add Extension to finish installing the New Tab Orientation.

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Step 5: Click the New Tab Redirect extension icon next to the Microsoft Edge Chromium address bar, then click Extension Options.

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Step 6: Enter the homepage URL of the search engine, and then click Save. Then exit the tab.

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Step 7: Open a new tab and voila! You will see the search engine appear instead of the default Edge tab.

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Not a perfect workaround as you lose access to your shortcuts and other items in the default Edge tabs. But if you want a consistent search engine experience then this should work.

Note: If you want to revert to the default Edge tabs, you should disable the New Tab Redirect extension. To do this, go to the browser’s Extensions screen (Side menu > Extensions) and then turn off the switch next to New Tab Redirection.

Start Searching

Search engines determine your browsing experience. Now that Microsoft Edge Chromium is crafted with your favorite search engine, it’s time to speed up the browser. Have fun!

Next: Browsing late at night? Time to turn off the lights. Here is how to enable dark mode in Microsoft Edge Chromium browser.

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