How to Change Keyboards on Nexus 6 1

How to Change Keyboards on Nexus 6

Android 5.0 Lollipop is now available for many Nexus devices and is slowly being pushed as a software update for many smartphones from Motorola, LG, Samsung, HTC and more, owners will want to know how to do certain tasks. We’ve already started getting questions about changing the keyboard on Android 5.0 and the new Nexus 6.

A big part of Android that iOS is slowly adopting is replacing key components of the operating system, such as the keyboard. There are many options in the Play Store, including Google’s own keyboard option, and below we’ll explain how to change this on the Nexus 6 or any Nexus device for that matter.

In previous versions of Android, a notification icon would appear at the top of the screen when you weren’t using the stock keyboard, and it was a constant notification. Google has now moved this to the bottom on Android 5.0 with the Nexus 6, and the settings options are also a bit different. There are a few new steps, read on to learn how.

Luckily the keyboard replacement system hasn’t changed drastically, only a few different ways and options do it, and it should be a similar process for all Android smartphones and tablets.

If you have third-party keyboards installed (and enabled), you’ll see the new keyboard notification switcher on the bottom right of the Nexus 6 (though it might be in the notification bar on Samsung devices) and simply tap it. Below is a picture of what you will see. However, you will need to enable the use of new keyboards before this option becomes available, which we will explain below.

Screenshot 2014-11-20, 2.18.06 PM

If you have multiple keyboards installed and enabled on your Nexus 6 or Android 5.0, simply tap the new icon above. If it’s not there, you can go to settings like previous versions of Android and switch keyboards with a few taps. Lets start.


To get started, you’ll go to settings by tapping the gear-shaped icon in the notification bar, then scroll down and select “Language & input”. This menu will have all the options you need.


Next, you will need to tap on “current keyboard” which will open a window showing which keyboard is currently being used. Most likely the regular Google Keyboard. Next, select the “Choose keyboard” option as shown below.

In relation :  How to Install Android 5.1 Lollipop on Nexus 6

N6-keyboard replacement

From here users will get a huge list of installed keyboards and additional language options if enabled. I installed SwiftKey and it’s an option below. Simply tap SwiftKey (or any keyboard you want) to activate this keyboard. However, this only enabled and did not replace your keyboard.


You will now go back to the previous Language and login screen and tap again on “Available Keyboard” which will now have two options. Google Keyboard and newly activated SwiftKey keyboard. Now all you have to do is select the keyboard you want to use on your smartphone and you are done.

Once enabled, you will see the small icon in the image above for an easier and simpler way to switch instantly. That is all. The overall process remains the same, it just looks slightly different and has a few options to make the transition easy for those who need it.

Stay tuned for more Android 5.0 and Nexus 6 how-tos. Both big and small.

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