How to Buy a Cheap iPhone 1

How to Buy a Cheap iPhone

It’s really easy to buy smartphones at a discounted price, but you usually have to sign a two-year contract for your life and pay a lot of money each month for cellular service. That’s one way to do it, but if you’re in the market for a non-contract iPhone, there are still ways to get it cheap.

While Apple stuck to one model each year, 2013 saw the first time Apple finally stepped into the cheaper smartphone market with the iPhone 5c. Apple sees this as a middle-of-the-road option, but notes that this is the first time a brand new iPhone from Apple has been priced below the regular $649 non-contract price tag.

However, you don’t need to buy a brand new iPhone as a used model can be much cheaper and still perform admirably. Also, buying used will save you a lot of money. That said, there are a few methods you can try to rate an iPhone directly from Apple for a fraction of the price you’d pay for a brand new model.


While you prefer to buy expensive items from reputable sources, you can’t beat deals on eBay where you can get points. You’ll just have to be extra careful when browsing iPhones on eBay because there are so many sellers out there looking to take a stroll and there may be many iPhones stolen units you’ll find on eBay.

Remember the guy who bought the Xbox One photo for $615? He thought he was buying a real Xbox One console, but was duped. Granted, he read the description but assumed what he was bidding on was an actual Xbox One console. To avoid riddles like this, make sure you read the description thoroughly and that the item you’re bidding on is the right item.

Touch ID

eBay sellers like to trick buyers by putting good pressure in the description or simply saying “Xbox One box” in hopes that naive bidders will overlook the fact that this is just the box for sale.

We’ve also seen sellers list fake iPhones, and while they usually make it clear that this isn’t a real iPhone, it’s important to read the description rather than relying on photos alone.

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Not all eBay sellers are bad. In fact, you seldom encounter a rogue, but they are out there, so be careful.


Craigslist is perhaps one of the most sketchy places to buy consumer electronics, but when used with care, you can find a great deal on a cheap iPhone.

We’ve discussed many times how Craigslist is a hotbed for scams, but there are also plenty of good guys out there who really want to sell you their old iPhones they no longer need, and Craiglist is often full of sellers looking for it. they are usually willing to give you a lot to get rid of their old gear.

iphone 5s

Just be careful not to buy a stolen iPhone. A good way to tell if it’s stolen is to ask the seller to turn off Find My iPhone or factory reset the device in front of you. The seller needs to know the Apple ID credentials for both of these tasks, and if he doesn’t know them or refuses to do any of these tasks, the iPhone is sure to be stolen.


If eBay and Craigslist aren’t your thing, swap it is actually a sunny, green pasture waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Swappa is tightly regulated by their staff, and every seller must verify the devices they sell, so you know you’re not buying a stolen iPhone when doing business on Swappa.

You can also find great deals on Swappa, as it has intense competition with many vendors trying to get rid of their old iPhones. Many will be willing to negotiate a better price with you.


Retail sales

You can easily take advantage of the numerous iPhone sales from many major retail chains, including Best Buy, Staples, and Walmart. Many of these stores will occasionally offer discounts on iPhones – usually around $50 off, but we’ve recently seen deals where they’ll cut up to $100 off the price.

In some cases, that’s as big a discount as buying used, but if you want a brand new iPhone for as low as possible, waiting for a discount at a retail or carrier store is probably your best bet.

Social media

If you’re not confident in finding a legit iPhone on eBay or Craigslist, perhaps the next best solution is to ask your friends and do a search on various social networking services.

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Simply sharing how you are in an iPhone market will automatically have all your friends try it out and help you find a good deal on one. Especially if none of your friends have an iPhone to sell to you, but they may know another friend who is. From there you can connect and buy your new phone.

I’ve found that usually only your closest friends help with this, so don’t expect every single one of your Facebook friends to keep their eyes peeled for an iPhone deal for you, but at least you’re getting the news. out and every little bit helps.