How to Avoid Tolls and Highways Using Apple Maps on iPhone 1

How to Avoid Tolls and Highways Using Apple Maps on iPhone

Google Maps may still dominate across platforms, including the Apple ecosystem, but Apple Maps has recently covered a lot of ground to be a pretty good alternative, at least on iDevices. In addition to showing accurate results, Apple’s navigation app has added a few notable features such as sharing estimated time of arrival and keeping tolls and highways at bay. If you are using the stock navigation app, you should know this useful feature not only to reach your destination on time but also to save money. Is everything ready? Follow along as I show you how to avoid tolls and highways in Apple Maps on iPhone and Mac!

Avoid Tolls and Highways Using Apple Maps on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

After trying this feature, I can say that it works reliably in Apple Maps. So, whether you are trying to improve your driving skill or are willing to remove all obstacles to reach the destination smoothly, it can meet your expectations. If you’re still using older operating systems like iOS 12 or macOS Mojave and are wondering if you can use this feature, let me tell you this feature has been around for a long time. So, you shouldn’t have any problems trying it.

Avoid Tolls and Highways in Apple Maps on iOS

1. Start Settings application on your device.

2. Now scroll down and tap on it. Maps.

Click on Maps

3. Next, tap on it. Driving and Navigation.

Driving and Navigation

4. Under Avoid section, turn on transitions Fares and Highways.

Avoid tolls and highways

This much! Going forward, the map app will help you avoid tolls and highways so you can reach your destination without any hitches. If you’ve changed your mind, go back to Maps settings and then turn off toggles.

Avoid Tolls and Highways in Apple Maps on macOS

  1. Open Apple Maps on your Mac.

Open Apple Maps on Mac

2. Now, click on view menu and Select Instructions.

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Click View and select Directions

3. Next, click on Driving Option and then select Avoid Tolls/Highways.

Avoid highway tolls and highways in Apple Maps on Mac

Keep Tolls and Highways at Bay in Apple Maps

So this is the right way to turn off tolls and highways when using Apple Maps. Did you find this feature helpful? Be sure to share your thoughts, and also let us know about some of the features Apple’s navigation app should steal from Google Maps so it can give Google Maps a strong fight on all fronts.

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