How to Add Your Favorite NBA Team Calendar to Google Calendar 1

How to Add Your Favorite NBA Team Calendar to Google Calendar

The NBA has just opened the 2014-2015 season and the teams are already starting to struggle. Fans can watch their team online, but will they remember? Adding your favorite NBA team’s schedule to Google Calendar is a simple task, and we’ll show you how to add the calendar to an Android phone or iPhone.

The following steps show the user how to adjust the settings using a computer browser. If the NBA fan does this, they can view the calendar and even get notifications about game times from a phone. These steps can work on a smartphone if the person taps the link at the bottom of the page that opens the Desktop version of the page.

Sync Google Calendar with Android and iOS

First, let’s look at syncing the user’s Google Calendar with their phone or tablet. For those who have already made this setting, continue to the next section.

An Android phone or tablet will do the job of setting up a Google Calendar the first time the person signs in with their Google account on the phone. However, some people use a secondary calendar as their primary calendar, so the user may need to set up a secondary calendar using these steps.

To make sure your calendar is synced with your Android phone, go to Android Settings and find the section. Tap , then tap the account name. Make sure there is a check mark by For those who need to add a second calendar, tap to add an account from the same Account screen. Add the credentials there to add the new account.

iOS users need to add this by going to the Settings app and then looking for the app from the left side, down the page, about a third of the way. Tap and tap on the Google Calendar account you plan to use to subscribe to an NFL team. If it’s not yet set up on iPhone or iPad, tap on it and follow the wizard to add it.

Add NBA Team Schedules to Your Google Calendar

Gmail users can use Google Calendar already. Sign in to your account using the previous link.

google calendar browser is interesting

Click the little dropdown arrow icon and select Browse Interesting Calendars.

Find the section towards the bottom of the left-hand column. There is an arrow next to it. Click on it to show the drop-down menu. Choose . The following screen appears. and then click on it. choose . Find your team in the list and click to see how the calendar will appear in Google Calendar, or choose if you’re ready to add it.

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google calendar football

Here is an example of what the calendar looks like after adding the calendar to Google Calendar.

nba on google calendar

The Milwaukee Bucks schedule on my Google Calendar.

The team schedule will now appear in your calendar on all devices synced with Google Calendar.

Add More From NBA Programs

Note that there is more to the Other Interesting Calendars page than NBA Team Schedules. For example, users can add holidays from Christianity, Judaism, and Muslim faiths. There are also team calendar options from dozens of other sports. Here is the list of sports that Google offers:

Select a sport to see the leagues Google Calendar can display. For example, under Basketball, users can subscribe to more than one league. NCAA fans can add programs from their school as long as it’s a Division I NCAA school. Add as many team calendars as you want.

In addition to sports, under the Other tab we find a list of other calendars, including:

It’s interesting that they wrote down sunrise and sunset times/dates for Louisville, KY, and no other city.

In addition to the calendars offered by Google, users can subscribe to calendars from people they know. Here is a list of what a user can add to their Google Calendar:

our friends Android Center this inspired How To. We’ve also posted how to add NFL schedules.