Whether you want to write ordinals or write complex mathematical formulas, it can be helpful to know how to add superscript or subscript text in Google Docs. Fortunately, your favorite word processor lets you do this on both PC and mobile.
While there isn’t a direct option to superscript or subscript text in the Google Docs toolbar, it’s not all that hard to do. In this guide, we’ll cover superscript and subscript text, how to use them, and ways to add/remove them in Google Docs.
What are Superscript and Subscript?
Superscript are numbers or letters formatted to sit slightly above the regular line of text. This type of text specifies ordinal numbers, mathematical functions, or footnote or endnote numbers in a document.
A subscript are numbers or letters formatted to sit slightly below the regular line of text. Although the use of subscripts is extremely rare, such texts can contain chemical compounds, mathematical formulas, etc. in a document. can serve to show.
Now that we know what superscript and subscript text are, let’s see how to add, remove and format them in Google Docs.
How to Format Superscript or Subscript in Google Docs
You can format text as superscript or subscript with just a few clicks on both PC and mobile devices.
on PC
There are several ways to format text as superscript or subscript in Google Docs. The first involves using the Format menu, the second, or simpler, using keyboard shortcuts.
1. Use Format Menu
To format text as superscript or subscript, Open your Google Docs document and highlight the text or number you want to format.
Now Click on the Format menu at the top, go to Text and select the Superscript or Subscript option from the list.
And voila! Now your text is slightly above or below normal text. Isn’t it easy?
2. Use Keyboard Shortcuts
If your document requires you to frequently format superscripts and subscripts, you should get used to keyboard shortcuts to do the same.
Use Ctrl + keys to quickly format highlighted text as superscript. (Ctrl and period key). For subscript, use the shortcut Ctrl + , (Ctrl and comma key).
on mobile
Like the web version, the Google Docs mobile app lets you format text as superscript or subscript. But since there are no keyboard shortcuts, you have to rely on the Format menu to do the same. Here’s how.
Stage 1: Open the document in the Google Docs app on your phone.
Step 2: Tap the Pen icon in the bottom right to switch to edit mode.
Stage 3: Highlight the words or text you want to format as superscript or subscript and click the format icon from the top toolbar.
Step 4: To format the text, choose the superscript and subscript icon from the Format menu.
How to Add Superscript or Subscript in Google Docs
If you want to add symbols (copyright, registered symbol, etc.) that are not available on your keyboard, you can use the Special character option in Google Docs to add them as superscripts and subscripts. Read on to find out how.
Stage 1: Place the cursor where you want to add superscript or subscript.
Step 2: Go to the Insert menu at the top and select Special characters. Alternatively, you can also use the Alt + I + C key combination to quickly open the Special characters menu.
Stage 3: In the special character menu box, use the right drop-down menu to select Superscript or Subscript from the list. or write superscript or subscript in the search box to quickly bring up options for you to choose from.
Conveniently, you can also draw a symbol in the box to quickly bring up the closest matches.
Step 4: Find the corresponding symbol and tap on it to insert it into the document.
If the preferred symbol is not in the superscript or subscript list, you can add a special character as usual and then format it using the formatting menu.
How to Remove Superscript and Subscript in Google Docs
You can use the undo option to remove superscript or subscript text in Google Docs, but you can convert superscript and subscript text to plain text by following the steps outlined below.
Highlight the superscript or subscript text and go to Format > Text > Superscript/Subscript. Similarly, you can use the corresponding keyboard shortcuts to undo superscript and subscript formatting.
Search in Super Sub
Adding superscripts or subscripts can be important when writing mathematical formulas or chemical compounds. After all, you want to present your document in the best way possible. Google Docs won’t disappoint, giving you options for superscript/subscript, strikethrough, and more, both on PC and mobile apps.