How to Add Settings Shortcuts to Your iPhone Without Jailbreaking 1

How to Add Settings Shortcuts to Your iPhone Without Jailbreaking

One of the biggest reasons I want to jailbreak my iPhone 4S is to have access to SBSettings, a small app that makes it easy to tweak the most-accessed iPhone settings.

While I’m still waiting for an email, I found a cool trick that lets you create shortcuts to over twenty common iPhone settings in just a few seconds.

Better. Icons are easy on the eyes and work on any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad — even without jailbreak.

You will lose this ability if you update to iOS 5.1 when it is released.

These icons are what turn off the Android settings shortcuts I’ve seen.

How to Create Settings Shortcuts on iPhone

hungry on your iPhone or iPad.

Select the settings shortcut you want to add to your home screen.

Install iPhone Settings Shortcuts

Select the iCon you want to use.

Tap the Install shortcut button at the bottom of the page.

Install iPhone Setting Shortcuts without jailbreak

Tap Install on the Install Profile page when prompted.

Install Profile for iPhone settings shortcuts

When you see a popup, confirm that you want to install the profile.

You will be returned to the settings page to install other shortcuts.

Settings Shortcuts on iPhone 4S do not require jailbreak

Press the Home button to see the shortcuts on your screen. For quick access to the settings, I added them all to a folder called settings on my main home screen.

You can add iPhone home screen shortcuts to the following settings pages:

Although I wanted an SBSettings app and Enabler for faster access, this folder on my home screen is much faster than going to settings to search for each item, especially those that are inexplicably hidden at 5 taps deep.

Now, I wish Apple would allow third-party apps in the notification center or let Jeff Broderick add them instead of weather.

by the way medicine

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