Blocking the use of any downloadable program like Start8, the Start Screen is the single most visited interface for millions of Windows 8.1 users. This is the enviable real estate.
Here’s how to free up space for more Live Tiles in Windows 8.1
Most apps hope to be useful enough to be pinned here by users. Files are also pinned here so users can access them quickly and easily without having to search for them on the Desktop or the SkyDrive app. Xbox Music even allows users to pin their favorite albums or playlists here.
Pinning all that content and providing quick access to your files comes at a cost for Windows 8.1 users. Very quickly, the Start Screen can turn into an unmanageable beast forcing users to endlessly swipe right to find what they’re looking for. There are ways around this though. Windows 8 devices that have the Windows 8.1 update installed and have a good quality display have a setting that allows them to make more room for Lives Tiles.
Navigate to by pressing the Windows button at the bottom of your tablet or convertible’s screen or by pressing the Windows key on your desktop or laptop keyboard.
Users with a touchscreen should open the Charms Bar and then tap Settings Charm. If your device has a mouse and keyboard, move the mouse cursor to the upper-right corner of your screen to open the Charms Bar. Then click Charm.
Now tap or click on it in the menu.
If your device has a resolution high enough to support showing more tiles on the Start Screen, you will see an option labeled automatically. Tap or click this option to add a fourth row for more Live Tiles.
If you don’t see this option, the best option you can hope for is to connect your device to a display with high enough resolution to enable the Show More Tiles option. The screen resolution must be greater than 1366 x 768 for the Show More Tiles option to appear.
Turning on the Show More Tiles option is not magic. To make room for that extra row, Windows 8.1 shrinks other tiles on your Start Screen. Typically, smaller tiles aren’t a big deal for anyone using a mouse and keyboard. However, if you’re using a touchscreen device, it can be especially difficult to get the small Live Tiles right.
Read: 26 Great Features in Windows 8.1 Preview
If you have a device running Windows 8 without a Windows 8.1 update, this functionality is not yet available to you. You have to go to the Windows Store app and first click or tap on the title that says Windows 8.1 Update. This process can take up to an hour.