How to Add Friend on Nintendo Switch 1

How to Add Friend on Nintendo Switch

There are tons of different ways to play games with other Nintendo Switch owners. First you need to figure out how to add friends to Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo has always played in its own sandbox. The Nintendo Switch is no different. Born from the company’s expertise in mobile gaming and which should be different from Xbox One and PS4, Nintendo Switch is a living room game console that can also be used as a mobile game console. A lot of things change between the different modes, including how Nintendo Switch games look. One thing that hasn’t changed is how social the console allows you to be.

Add friends to Nintendo Switch with this handy tutorial.

Adding friends on Nintendo Switch is not as straightforward as it is on other consoles. To add friends on Nintendo Switch, you need information that only your friend can provide. You also need a Nintendo Switch configured with the right stuff. Other requirements include an internet connection and a free Nintendo Account.

Here’s how to add friends on Nintendo Switch. You will be able to follow your friends’ game habits instantly.

How to Add Friends on Nintendo Switch: Before We Begin

Before we get started, there are some things you’ll need. You can’t add friends on Nintendo Switch without them.

You will need an internet connection to get started. If you haven’t connected your Nintendo Switch to a wireless network before, it’s time to do it. This is done from the System Settings area. You may be prompted to update the Nintendo Switch 2.0 software, which the company made available to users worldwide on March 3. You will also need this; is a software update that adds limited online capabilities. You can learn more about the installation and update process in the Nintendo Switch Setup section.

How to Add Friend on Nintendo Switch 4

The next Nintendo Account on your list. You can only use the console’s social features with a Nintendo Account. Also required to purchase digital games via the Nintendo eShop. This should not be confused with Nintendo ID. You can still use a Nintendo ID to create and sign in to a Nintendo Account. Facebook, Gmail and Twitter login is also possible. Use a laptop or tablet to create a Nintendo Account. Add Nintendo Accounts to your console from System Settings. The option is under Users.

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As with Microsoft’s Xbox One, there is no way to search for every Nintendo Account created. Instead, you’ll need the Friend Code of the person you’re trying to find. Friend Codes consist of 12 digits and can be accessed from the Profile Page. Your friend can find their Profile page on their Switch by tapping or selecting the circular icon in the upper right corner of the Home area. They must also have set up and linked a Nintendo Account.

How to Add Friends on Nintendo Switch: Let’s Get Started

With your Nintendo Account fully set up and your internet connection ready, let’s add friends on Nintendo Switch.

Start by pressing the button on the right Joy-Con to take you back to the Home area. Note that you may have to press the button three times. You always have to triple-press a button when your device wakes up from sleep mode.

Tap the circular icon in the corner of the Nintendo Switch home screen. When you’re online, there’s a number above this circle that shows how many of your friends are also online.

How to Add Friend on Nintendo Switch 5

This area always opens to the Profile Page by default. Here you will find your own information. You will also find your Friend Code. Text, text, or email your Friend Code to anyone with a Switch; they can add you.

Tap or select from the menu on the left side of your screen. It’s the third option from the top of the menu.

How to Add Friend on Nintendo Switch 6

You can add your friends from this area. Fortunately, there are a few different ways to do this.

How to Add Friend on Nintendo Switch 7

If you’ve sent your Friend Code to someone and they’ve approved, this is the option you want to choose. You will find all the latest requests there. Keep in mind that people won’t be able to find you unless you send them your Friend Code.

allows you to physically add other players around you. These users need their own Nintendo Switch for this to work.

to add someone who has already emailed, texted or sent you a Friend Code. Currently, the easiest way to get other people’s Friend Codes is to send a message on Twitter or Facebook from your smartphone.

You can follow all the people you’ve invited to be your friend that you haven’t accepted yet. Friend Code Sent.

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How to Add Friend on Nintendo Switch 8

Good luck trying to add friends on Nintendo Switch. It’s a bit cumbersome now, but Nintendo says it plans to fix that. In 2017, it will offer a solid gaming service and revamp its social networking system. Remember, Nintendo Switch multiplayer is free until this fall.

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