Like it or not Microsoft has borrowed some of the best ideas in software for Windows 10. One of the most controversial changes from the company, inspired by other operating systems, is Microsoft Account integration. You can’t rely on a basic user account to get the most out of Windows 10. Instead, you need to add a Microsoft Account. Doing so unlocks the Windows Store, syncing settings, and many apps that come pre-installed with the operating system. If this sounds familiar, it’s because your iPhone or Android device works more or less the same.
Need to add an account to Windows 10? Here’s how to do it.
Before You Begin
There are some things to consider as you prepare to add a new account to Windows 10. First, adding a new account to Windows 10 may not mean the same thing to everyone. This is because different accounts do different things.
Microsoft Accounts is what most people think of when they think of adding an account to their Windows 10 computer. Many users already have Microsoft Accounts because they have,, or email addresses. Microsoft also uses them across its entire product line. For example, if you own an Xbox One or Xbox 360, you most likely have a Microsoft Account. The same is true for the Zune, Microsoft Band, and any other hardware the company has sold or has sold in the past. Also, Windows 8 included support for Microsoft Accounts.
When you add a Microsoft Account, you add the email account to the Outlook Mail app, plus you unlock the Windows Store, OneDrive, and other features that Windows processes in the background.
An email account can be a Microsoft Account when it contains an Outlook, Live, or Hotmail address, but these are handled separately by the Mail and Calendar apps. If you have an email address that you only want to appear in Mail and Calendar, you must go to these apps to add it. Do not add it to the operating system as a whole.
Finally, there are Office 365 accounts. For the most part, these work like Microsoft Accounts. In fact, if it’s an Office 365 Personal Account, it works exactly like your Microsoft Account. You’ll find the Mail and Calendar apps fill up with your information and everything. Better still, the Word, Excel, Power, OneNote, and OneDrive apps in the Windows Store will automatically connect to it.
Finally, it is important not to confuse User Accounts with other account types. A user account is just a profile; these accounts give someone their own profile, desktop, and apps, but that user cannot connect to the Windows Store until they add a Microsoft Account.
Adding Account to Windows 10
Press the Windows Key on your keyboard to go to the Start Screen/Start Menu.
Tap or click the Settings option in the Start Menu on the left edge. Note that this screen will look slightly different if you are using a device with Tablet Mode turned on. You will have to click on the menu button in the upper left corner of your screen before you see the Settings option.
Inside, tap or click on it.
From this screen, you can add another Microsoft Account, Email account, or Office 365 account to your own Windows 10 user account. If this is an Office 365 business account, note that adding the account may change some of your settings. This is because some businesses have specific setup requirements before connecting your device to their service.
Now tap or click. It is the second option from the bottom in the menu on the left side of your screen.
If you notice any accounts in the Your family area, it’s because you’ve created accounts for users that are somehow linked to yours in non-Windows things. With a few clicks, you can seamlessly add these users to your computer. This option is for relatives who all live in the same household and routinely share a computer.
You can add family members by clicking the add icon. Note that these users will need to have Microsoft Accounts. Microsoft does not recommend that users take advantage of the family option unless the person they add is truly a family member.
The second option you should see is, With this option, you can add a Microsoft Account or User account to your Windows 10 PC. tap or click
When the popup appears, it will ask you for the username or email you are trying to add. This is because by default it asks for a Microsoft Account. If you wish, you can continue with this option or click on the “I Don’t Have a Login Information for This Person” link at the bottom. This allows you to bypass the Microsoft Account and add only one user account. Don’t worry, users can add a Microsoft Account to their User Account at any time.