This is how a second monitor is added to your MacBook Pro, MacBook Air or MacBook. These are all great portables, and you can boost your productivity with a second screen when you’re in the office or at home.
You can easily add a monitor to your MacBook to get more room to work. This works with all MacBook, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro screen sizes and is a great work from home without upgrading. With a monitor, you can more easily multitask, watch videos, work on large spreadsheets, and compare documents.
If you have the space, you should consider adding a monitor to your MacBook. This makes it easier to work on two windows or applications at the same time, and you can also increase the text size if you have trouble seeing or reading the screen.
You can also add an external keyboard and mouse to turn your MacBook Pro into a desktop workstation where you need to plug in your MacBook. You can connect or purchase a monitor directly to your MacBook Pro. MacBook Pro dock. In some cases, you will need an adapter.
Here’s how to add a second monitor to your MacBook. Also, take a look at what you need and what to look for in a monitor.
What to Look for in a Monitor for Your MacBook or MacBook Pro
If you already have a monitor, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to plug it into your MacBook or MacBook Pro with an adapter and start using it. If you’re buying a new monitor, there are some things to consider.
Easily add a monitor to your MacBook or MacBook Pro.
Determine how big a monitor you want a widescreen monitor and what kind of resolution you need.
You’ll want a monitor with at least 1,920 x 1,080 resolution. This is also known as HD and is good enough for many users. That said, it’s worth looking at a 4K or widescreen monitor.
QHD, QHD+ and 4K monitors are great options and you’ll see a range of resolutions as you shop. Personally I prefer a curved widescreen monitor and don’t need 4K, but if money isn’t an issue you can go for a wide range of sizes up to 4K or 5K.
Most monitors now offer HDMI, DisplayPort or Mini DisplayPort and a DVI or VGA connection. Some come with a USB C connection. The model listed above can be plugged directly into your MacBook Pro via USB C.
How to Connect a Second Monitor to Your MacBook or MacBook Pro
After you take your monitor to your desk or office, you can connect it to your MacBook.
If you’re using a 2015 or older MacBook Pro, you can connect an HDMI cable from your computer directly to a monitor. If you have a new MacBook Pro or 12-inch MacBook with USB C, USB C to HDMI or USB C to DisplayPort adapter. One for MacBook Air mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter.
On an older MacBook Pro, you have two options: HDMI or Mini DisplayPort/Thunderbolt. As mentioned earlier, if your monitor has DVI, you can get Apple’s Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter. If your monitor has HDMI, you can plug in an HDMI cable directly.
If you have a MacBook Air, your only option is Mini DisplayPort/Thunderbolt. However, the above adapter or a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter.
It’s a bit more difficult with a 12-inch MacBook or the new MacBook Pro, but there’s a way to connect a DVI monitor to it. DVI to HDMI adaptertogether USB-C adapter. Or if you’re using HDMI, you can just get the USB-C adapter. You have fewer options when it comes to ports, it gets more complicated, but there is always a way.
Now, when you connect the monitor to your MacBook and turn it on, your MacBook will automatically detect the added display. You will have to customize it the way you want by just opening and clicking.
From here, the most important settings are found in the top tab. This is where you can set which monitor is your home screen. To do this, click and drag the miniature menu bar and place it on the monitor you want to use as the home screen.
You can also click and drag the entire monitor to move it and adjust how you want the desktop to move. My second monitor is at eye level when my MacBook is at my desk, so I set the main monitor as my second monitor.
From there you can start using your second monitor. You can drag apps from one monitor to another and use an app like below. Magnet to move them around with keyboard shortcuts.
MacBook automatically detects your monitor every time you plug it in, and macOS will also remember the window sizes on the second monitor. When you unplug all windows go to your MacBook.
Last updated 2022-02-09. This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read our disclosure policy for more details. Images via Amazon API