How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites 1

How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites

With videos becoming an integral part of our web browsing, it’s no surprise that all social networks ensure you never miss a video. While we appreciate the new video-centric features of social networks, we certainly dislike auto-playing videos. All major social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, have videos set to autoplay.

It’s annoying to say the least, considering there are times when we randomly scroll through our favorite social network and suddenly a video starts playing. It’s even more frustrating when web pages play videos automatically and we have to struggle to find out where the sound is coming from. Auto-playing videos also ensure that our limited mobile data bandwidth is sucked while preloading these videos. Auto-playing videos are a hassle, especially when navigating at work, classrooms, or places where silence is a priority. The good news is that there are ways to stop autoplay videos. You can do this like this:

How to stop autoplay videos on Facebook

Facebook allows you to disable autoplay videos and that is really appreciated. Here’s how to stop autoplay videos on Facebook web and its Android and iOS apps.

  • Facebook Web

one. Open Facebook and log into your account. Then go to “Settings“.

2. in Settings “Videos” tab and close Autoplay videos.

  • Facebook Android App

one. Tap the hamburger menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen and scroll down to “Settings and Privacy”. Click “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
2. Inside “Settings” Go to section, scroll down and “Media and People” choice.How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
3. Inside “Media and People” section, tap on “Autoplay” To open autoplay video preferences
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
4. On “Autoplay” on the settings page, “Never Autoplay Videos” To disable autoplay videos in your Facebook feed.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
  • Facebook iOS App

one. Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner of the screen and scroll down to find it. “Settings and Privacy”. click “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
2. scroll down in “Settings” Tap on and “Videos and photos” option below “Media and people” title.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
3. On “Videos and photos” On the settings page, tap on it. “Autoplay” choice.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
4. click “Never Autoplay Videos” on “Autoplay” Preferences page to disable autoplay videos in the stream.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites

How to stop autoplay videos on Instagram

Instagram lacks a dedicated tool to completely disable autoplay videos. But if you want to save on mobile data, you can enable the ‘Use Less Data’ option to stop videos from being preloaded in your feed, but note that this will not stop the videos from playing automatically. You can do this like this:

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1. Open the Instagram app, tap the profile icon followed by the hamburger menu button at the top. Now tap the gear icon to open the ‘ icon.Settings‘ menu. Here, tap on ‘Mobile Data Usage.’

How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites

2. On the “Mobile data usage” page, tap . “Use Less Data” choice.

How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites

How to stop autoplay videos on Twitter

  • Twitter Web

1. Open Twitter on the web, tap the profile photo in the upper right corner of the screen and “Settings and privacy”.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
2. On “Settings and Privacy”Uncheck the box next to it. “Autoplay video” option below “Contents” title.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
  • Twitter Android App

1. Open the Twitter for Android app, swipe left to open the pop-up menu and tap . “Settings and privacy”.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
2. Scroll down and tap on it. “Data usage” option below “General” title.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
3. On “Data usage” page, select “Autoplay video” under “Video” title.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
4. After tapping on “Autoplay video”choose “Never” from the drop-down menu.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
  • Twitter iOS App

1. Open the Twitter for iOS app, swipe left to open the pop-up menu and tap . “Settings and privacy”.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
2. Scroll down and tap on it. “Data usage” option below “General” title.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
3. On “Data usage” page, select “Autoplay video” under “Video” title.
How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites
4. On “Autoplay video” Tap on the page. “Never” option to disable autoplay videos in your feed.How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites

How to stop autoplay videos on YouTube

  • Disable Autoplay Videos on Youtube (Web, Android and iOS)

one. Open YouTube’s web page in your browser or Android/iOS app and play any random video.

disable autoplay on youtube android

2. You will see an autoplay button is on in the upper right corner. Just close.

disable autoplay on youtube on web

How to stop autoplay videos on various websites and blogs

Autoplay videos on web pages can be disabled by tweaking various browser settings. Since most videos run in Shockwave Flash, autoplay videos can be disabled by changing the flash settings. We can change the flash settings to make sure these videos only play when we want them to. If so, here’s how to disable autoplay videos in Chrome and Firefox.

  • Chrome Web

  1. Open Chrome browser on desktop and press enter after entering “chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy” to open the corresponding flag page directly.
  2. Scroll down and find “Autoplay policy” The flag is highlighted in yellow. Click on the combo box next to it and tap on it. “Document user activation required” To disable autoplay video and audio in Chrome. After doing that, you will need to restart the Chrome browser to activate the new setting.
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How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites

Alternatively, you can download and enable the “Disable HTML5 Autoplay (Reloaded)” Chrome extension to disable autoplay videos. You can download the extension from the official Chrome extension store. here.

  • Disable Chrome Autoplay Android

To disable autoplay videos in Chrome for Android, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to Chrome Settings and tap on ‘Site settings’.

How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites2. Here, tap on ‘Media’, and then ‘Autoplay.’

How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites

3. Turn off the switch to disable auto-play videos in Chrome on Android.

How to Stop Annoying Autoplay Videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Other Sites

  • Firefox

    If your preferred browser is Mozilla Firefox and you are tired of automatically playing videos on websites. Here’s how you can prevent videos from playing automatically in Firefox:

  1. Type ‘ in the Firefox URL barabout:config.’
  • screenshot showing the about:config page in firefox

2. Search for ‘media.autoplay.’

  • Image showing search results for media.autoplay in firefox

3. Here, Double click on ‘media.autoplay.enabled.user-gestures-needed’ to change boolean value from wrong to right.

screenshot of turning off autoplay in firefox

That’s it, Firefox will now always prompt you before playing a video on any website.

  • Microsoft Edge

If your preferred browser is Microsoft Edge, here’s how to stop videos from autoplaying.

  1. In Edge click the three dots button in the top right and click ‘Settings.’

microsoft edge settings

2. Here, click on ‘Advanced Settings.’

microsoft edge advanced settings

3. UnderMedia Autoplay‘ choose ‘Block.’

microsoft edge autoplay settings

That’s it, Microsoft Edge will no longer play videos automatically.

SEE ALSO: Top 7 Video Sharing Sites

Don’t bother you with Auto Play Videos anymore

These are the ways to stop auto-playing videos and this will give you a lot of relief as we are aware of the annoyance and unwanted data usage caused by auto-playing videos. As you must have noticed, it is quite easy to stop autoplaying videos in various apps and browsers. So give them a try and let us know if you have any questions about it. You can certainly expect to hear from us.

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