How To Fix The Driver Installed In Windows 10 Is Not Verified For This PC Error 1

How To Fix The Driver Installed In Windows 10 Is Not Verified For This PC Error

Driver-related problems are common in the Windows operating system. While some Windows 10 users struggle with post-installation driver issues, some cannot even install drivers on their computers. If you get the error message ‘The driver being installed has not been verified for this computer’ when you try to install a driver on your Windows device, this article is for you.

This error is mostly encountered when trying to install an Intel graphics driver on a Windows computer. Interestingly, this problem can be easily fixed. So you shouldn’t be upset. Follow the solutions detailed in this guide to ensure that the affected drivers are installed on your computer without any problems.

Before moving on to the solution, you might want to take a moment to read why this error message appears when Windows is installing a driver(s) on your computer.

What Causes This Error?

Well, you can spend hours trying to find the reason behind this error. Sometimes you hit a wall and are at the mercy of the component manufacturer. In short, the PC or laptop manufacturer’s system, along with Windows, blocked this driver from loading because something about that file was down. And honestly, there are good reasons for that. Continue reading.

When a component manufacturer releases a new driver version, it goes through a series of extensive tests at your PC manufacturer’s team to make sure it works with different hardware configurations and the latest Windows operating system version. After testing and validation, the driver is made available for download on your PC manufacturer’s official website.

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Installing drivers directly from the component manufacturers site may crash or make your computer unstable. For this reason, computer manufacturers strongly recommend that you download a driver from their support site to avoid system crashes or other driver-related complications. Fortunately, now Microsoft has also stepped in and pushed many common hardware-related driver updates through Windows updates.

Now, how are you going to fix this?

1. Get Driver from PC Manufacturer

As mentioned earlier, you may be getting this error message because your computer manufacturer has asked you to install a specific driver from its official website. Therefore, you need to visit the Driver/Software/Download section of your computer manufacturer’s website and download the affected driver.

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For context, if you’re using a Dell computer or laptop, go to Dell’s website, navigate to the Driver/Software/Download section of the website and search for the driver. Download and install on your computer or laptop; you should no longer encounter the error message.

Fix driver installed, this computer is not verified for windows 10 image

While this method is recommended, there are cases where the driver (version) you want is not yet available on your computer manufacturer’s website. Mostly because it has not been tested and approved. In this case, you will need to wait for your computer manufacturer to complete the driver verification process and make the driver available to your computer.

If you don’t have such patience, move down to method #2 below to force install the driver on your PC.

2. Force Install Driver

Fortunately, there is an easy way to circumvent the restriction imposed by your computer manufacturer and eventually get rid of the ‘The driver installed was not verified for this computer’ error. You need to install this driver manually via your PC’s Device Manager. Here’s how to do it.

Note: Before proceeding, we strongly recommend that you make a backup of your drive. This allows you to quickly restore the driver if something goes wrong after the installation.

Stage 1: Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to launch the Windows Quick Access Menu. Select Device Manager.

Fix driver being installed, this computer is not verified for windows 10

Step 2: Double-tap Display adapters to show the list of display/graphics drivers installed on your computer.

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Stage 3: Right-click the Intel graphics driver you want to install/update and select Update driver.

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Step 4: Next, select ‘Scan my computer for driver software’.

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Step 5: Select ‘Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer’.

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Step 6: Tap on the ‘Have Disk…’ button in the lower right corner of the driver update window.

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This will open a new window where you will be asked to select the driver installation file from your computer.

Step 7: Tap the Browse button.

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Step 8: Now find the directory where the driver is saved on your PC, select the driver and tap the Open button.

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Step 9: Tap OK to continue.

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This should automatically start the installation of the driver in the selected folder. And that’s it; You have bypassed the restriction that is responsible for the ‘This driver being installed is not verified for this computer’ error.

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Don’t Break Your Computer

We recommend that you only download and install drivers from your computer manufacturer’s website or through Windows Updates. These drives are very unlikely to break your computer, as they have been tested and certified for compatibility by your PC/laptop manufacturer. If your computer manufacturer’s website does not have a driver and you are feeling adventurous or need to use the driver urgently, you can force install it (using method #2). But don’t forget to back up the old driver before starting the installation process. This allows you to roll things back in case of any post-installation mishaps.

Next: A missing sound/sound driver on your Windows PC can cause various sound problems. Check out five different ways to reinstall your Windows 10 PC audio driver in the tutorial linked below.

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