How does copy and paste work on Android? 1

How does copy and paste work on Android?

How to copy and paste on Android? Here is a simple and essential feature that is available on all smartphones but not obvious to everyone. However, it is not complicated at all. Here are the steps to follow.

Copy and paste is a feature we use every day, even all day, on our PC, but it doesn’t have to be on our smartphone. It’s still very useful, and in terms of productivity, copy-paste on Android really hits the mark. Provided you know how to use it. And because we’re not always as comfortable with our fingers as the cursor and mouse. Here is a little tutorial.

1. Sometimes the way to enable copy-paste differs between apps or overlays, but most of the time it’s simply long press Double-tap the text box or in some cases double-tap to select it. Once the option is enabled, all you have to do is specify the beginning and end of the text to be selected. using two cursors.

copy android

2. To copy text, two solutions are possible, depending on the Android version on your smartphone. Including Lollipop, you had to click icon showing two leaves at the top of the screen.

The copy-paste functionality has been improved since the Android Marshmallow update. So now the different options are displayed directly above the text, as below. This is reminiscent of copy-paste in iOS.

How does copy and paste work on Android? 4

3. After entering the target app where you want to paste your text, long press and then click paste. The text you copied earlier will appear in the field later.

paste android
  • Also read: 6 Android shortcuts you need to know

Agree, it’s a little longer than PC, but not the sea to drink!

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