How do you deal with people who refuse to wear masks? 1

How do you deal with people who refuse to wear masks?

You would think that months of reading about overflowing hospitals and rising death statistics would scare almost anyone into keeping track of the current situation. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Recommendations: Wear masks in public places to protect others from potential infection, as there is no available way to be sure who may be an asymptomatic donor – especially in relatively populated urban areas.

But these days, when I go out for a walk or run errands, at least half of the people I see don’t wear masks or wear masks around their necks, as if those pieces of cloth or paper were lucky. totems rather than items with a specific purpose.

Admittedly, face masks are not convenient or particularly pleasant to wear. They can be hot on summer days; they can be uncomfortable when not properly fitted; they can fog up your glasses; they prevent eating, drinking and talking (especially on the phone); and they can muffle your voice and hide your smile.

There are other reasons why people avoid wearing masks. Those with breathing difficulties and there are other valid reasons to avoid face masks. It has a political aspect – wearing or not wearing a mask has in some quarters become an expression of support for a particular political point of view. There is confusion about the mixed signals we have received from medical professionals and political leaders. There’s a simple bullying: ‘No one will tell Me too What to wear!’ And there’s mental fatigue: After dealing with a pandemic for several months and with no end in sight, it’s tempting to just raise your hands and move on with your life.

But what if you feel that people are should Wearing mask? How do you deal with anger – not to mention possible danger? Should you face them? I went looking for advice on the internet. I found some – but nothing to fix the problem right away.

Reopening Underway in Densely Populated New York and New Jersey Areas

Confronting people without masks may not be the best strategy.
Photo by Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images

Shame doesn’t work

Julia Marcus, an epidemiologist and professor at Harvard Medical School, says: in his article Atlantic Ocean Shaming people for not wearing masks is counterproductive. He recommends that we follow the example of the organizations that distributed condoms during the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and made disposable masks readily available where they were needed most, such as in front of stores or airports. He also suggests that it might help if we make sure the masks fit well and look cool. (In other words, people to want to wear them.)

Inside SF Chronicleby Tony Bravo He talks to etiquette experts about how—or rather—whether or not he can confront people who don’t wear masks in stores and other public places. Among these courteous aficionados, confrontation (also possibly dangerous) not working. Bravo, quoting Lizzie Post, the great-great-granddaughter of famed etiquette expert Emily Post, says it’s best to just lead by example. “Our brain may want to punish or embarrass people who break the rules. That will never turn people on your side. What you can do is control yourself and do everything you can to protect yourself.”

And don’t assume you know why they don’t wear masks, says professor Aziza Ahmed. He specializes in health law at Northeastern University.. There are people who have legitimate health reasons not to wear masks. Sometimes it’s best to ask them to take a step back if they get too close for comfort.

Perhaps accepting those who recognize the need for care can help. One morning recently, I was walking down a narrow sidewalk and a man who had apparently just finished a run turned the corner of my street with his mask around his neck. However, as soon as he saw me, he immediately put the mask back on. We nodded as we passed each other, acknowledging our mutual kindness, and then parted ways.

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