Instagram: how to change your password
There is nothing easier than this to change your Instagram account password. The procedure takes less than a minute on hand.
- To get started, open the Instagram app.
- Then press the button that represents three rows in a row.
- Then “access the menu”Settings“.
- Once in the settings, tap on “.Security“after that”Password“.
- There, you must enter your current password to be able to enter a new one.
- The new password must be entered twice.
Instagram recommends using a strong password including at least 6 characters plus a combination of numbers, letters and special characters (!$@%). Also, if you want to add an extra level of security, you can choose two-factor authentication.
Recently, Instagram also allows people who forgot their passwords to reset their passwords with the Facebook application. Pretty practical!
How do I enable two factor authentication?
Now that we’ve come to this point, it would be a shame not to tell you how to enable two-factor authentication.
- Always in parameters, then “Security“press on”Two factor authentication“.
- Then press the ” buttonTo start“.
- There, you can choose from several two-factor authentication methods.
- One that lets you authenticate through a third-party authentication app.
- Or with a 6-digit confirmation code sent via text message.
Here you have all the elements you have to easily change your Instagram account password. If you are tired of social networks, you can also check out our article on how to disable or delete your Instagram account.
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Instagram Developer | Updated on 08/03/2022