How to Disable Ultra Wideband Chip on iPhone 11/11 Pro to Prevent Location Data Usage 1

How to Disable Ultra Wideband Chip on iPhone 11/11 Pro to Prevent Location Data Usage

After security expert Brian Krebs’ sensational statement in December last year that iPhone 11 Series devices access location data even if a user has enabled the privacy setting to avoid sharing information, Apple is using this new ultra-broadband technology. Sensing the heat from all sides, the tech giant also promised that it will soon offer a way to disable the ultra-wideband chip on the iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max. As expected, the company introduced a simple way to stop UWB location tracking on iPhone 11 Series devices in iOS 13.3. If you’re concerned about privacy and want to turn it off, let me walk you through the quick steps!

Stop UWB Location Tracking on iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max

Before shutting down the U1 chip, it would be better to know how this new technology works.

So what is the U1 Chip?

well, U1 means ultra wideband (aka UWB, ultra-wideband and ultraband) and is basically a radio technology. What makes it so user friendly is, use a very low energy level for short range and high bandwidth communications. With the help of this chip, the latest iPhones can more precisely locate and communicate with other U1-enabled devices. And that without the need to send signals to satellites or base stations.

The U1 chip is also said to be improve spatial awareness and it plays a vital role in making AirDrop run more efficiently on iOS 13. In summary, you should think of it as GPS on the scale of your living room. Considered a more efficient form of Bluetooth, Apple likely Apply the U1 chip to the rumored Apple Tag (Tile alternative) to find lost or misplaced objects.

How Ultra Broadband Technology Causes Privacy Concerns

To be an industry standard technology, ultra-broadband technology is subject to international legal requirements it needs to be disabled in some places. With the help of Location Services, iOS determines if iPhone 11 devices are in these forbidden places so that it can turn off ultra-wideband and comply with the regulation. And this is where this feature comes in line, although it does to improve the user experience.

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According to Apple, all management of ultra-broadband compatibility and data usage happens on the device. And the company clearly states that it does not collect user location data. So there seems to be no threat to one’s privacy – at least according to the description.

Does Turning Off Ultra Broadband Affect Your User Experience?

The simple answer is yes. It will affect localized communication between two compatible devices. It will also have an impact on spatial awareness and AirDrop. So keep these tradeoffs in mind before disabling this feature.

Now that you have a good grasp of this new technology, it’s time to learn how you can disable/enable it on your own terms.

Turn on/off U1 Chip on iPhone 11 Devices

Note: As mentioned above, this new feature is available in iOS 13.3. So make sure your device is running the correct iOS version.

one. Settings The application on your iPhone 11 Series device.

2. Scroll down and tap on it. Privacy.

Tap on Privacy

3. Next, tap on it. Location Services.

Tap on Location Services

4. Scroll down and tap on it. System services.

Tap on System Services

5. Next, turn off the switch. Network and Wireless.

Disable U1 Chip on iPhone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max

6. A pop-up window will appear at the bottom of the screen, “Turning off location for network and wireless may affect Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Ultra Broadband performance.” Tap on Close to approve.

Disable Network and Wi-Fi in iOS

That is all! After that, iOS will not access your location data when you configure your device to avoid information sharing. Later, if you want to change your mind, return to the System Services setting and then turn on the switch. Finally Network and Wireless.

Disable Ultra Broadband Chip on iPhone 11 Series Devices

This is how you can take control of this security and privacy feature. While I’m happy with Apple’s detailed explanation and subsequent release of the transition to disable the U1 chip, I would have been happier if the tech giant had done this in advance rather than waking up after a revelation. The third instance recently where the iPhone manufacturer had to rush to make fixes for damage control (the other two being the old iPhone and the slowing of the Siri voice rating program). Are you satisfied with Apple’s statement and this new feature? Drop your views in the comments below.

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