HDR photography: what is it for and how does it work? 1

HDR photography: what is it for and how does it work?

Have you ever been interested in the HDR mode on your smartphones? This is a setting available in the Camera app of most devices on the market. And its usefulness varies widely, as it requires a different application than normal shooting to produce beautiful results. let’s go back How do HDR photos work?.

HDR, “High dynamic range” (“Grande Gamme Dynamique” in French) proves useful above all for landscape shots, thanks to a process that uses different exposure levels.

What is HDR?

The basic principle of HDR is to take multiple shots as quickly as possible with varying exposure times. Next, an algorithm takes care of drawing a single photo that takes advantage of the best exposed lights and the best dark areas. So the idea here is, the best of every picture in terms of shadow areas and bright areas.

HDR mode on Galaxy S6

Let’s imagine a particular situation, a very bright background, a clear sky, and a very dark foreground with trees making up a very dark scene. By enabling HDR, a a much more balanced picture than the first shot Provided you follow a few rules that the result can be most disappointing.

How to take a great HDR photo

In the case that interests us, it’s a matter of choosing the mode on your favorite smartphone. It is usually found between Camera app settings along with night, selfie, monochrome and other fantasy modes. Once you’re engaged, take your photo as usual.

Example without HDR
Example with HDR

As we explained earlier, it is very important to have one. more or less significant downtime. So two possibilities, either take a good breath and take your shot with as little movement as possible, or use a tripod adapted for your camera.

Because even with big movements or if something passes in front of the lens, the orbit will leave a ghostly trail that we may or may not appreciate depending on the situation. Typically a bird flying in the idyllic landscape photographed. Likewise, if you are preparing to immortalize a person, make sure that he is too. quite calmunder the penalty of observing a few undesirable visual effects, even in the blink of an eye.

Picture without HDR
photo with HDR

Note that it is almost always impossible to fine-tune such parameters on our smartphones. most Therefore automatic mode is applied and therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the shooting conditions, otherwise you will suffer from various ailments mentioned above.

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What are the best cases to use HDR mode? It is difficult to give an absolute answer to this question. Many factors come into the equation. The quality of the photo sensor, the quality of the algorithm used and the current climatic conditions. It’s up to everyone to make up their own minds, moreover, HDR requires a perfect image. vision and/or immobility of subjects.

As is often the case, getting the best photo also depends on the best setting adopted. Also, respecting these few tips and considering the explanations presented here, At the top of HDR photos. If you want to go even further, take a look at our selection of the best photo apps for Android.