Google Maps: how to use it offline 1

Google Maps: how to use it offline

The offline mode of Google Maps makes it possible to save maps directly to the internal memory of the smartphone so that you can enjoy the services even in the event of a connection problem. A scenario that can often be encountered when going on vacation or hiking.

However, the company did not make things as simple as Nokia with Here, for example, because at the moment you cannot load maps by selecting a region, country or, say, a continent.

However, the search giant was going to correct the situation according to the latest information we have. Google Maps will soon have a true offline mode worthy of its name, not too soon, we agree!

Google Maps: This is how offline mode works

As mentioned above, Maps does not provide downloads of maps. in a “traditional” way. You can actually download a part of a country, you will have to do this several times if you want the entire map of France to be stored on your device. What doesn’t go in the direction of the most exciting user experience.

You’ll have to go first in the area you want to download and then go to the left menu in “Offline maps”. From there, we find ourselves in front of a screen listing all the domains we have downloaded before. Google Maps usually offers a download of a small area around the house.

Google Maps: how to use it offline 4

Then “choose your own plan” will allow you to register a new offline space. By zooming in and out the screen you can set that famous area you want to download to your device. Google Maps displays the weight the download will represent as an indicator.

google maps offline address

Indeed, the larger the space and the more information, the larger the download. So it is good to plan the space accordingly. For information about the area Paris and its environs take about 250 MB.

If your smartphone has a microSD card, it is possible to store maps there by going to offline plans > settings > storage preferences.

Offline areas too being famous. It is relatively practical to be able to detect the different domains that we download to the smartphone. Offline navigation may work on downloaded domains for a period of thirty days, but an update may extend this period, for example before we leave or when we reach the deadline.

google maps offline address

The firm also offers options to save data by limiting the downloading of updates to the wifi network. It’s an important feature that we’re participating in.

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Google Maps offline mode comes in handy until it gets better

In offline navigation, events, traffic jams, etc. Forget details like this, because in these cases you will not be offered an alternative route. However, everything else works, such as searching for an address on behalf of a brand or company.

Obviously this is not the best approach, the ergonomics of Google Maps offline mode needs a complete overhaul. Nokia Here approaches things differently and much more practical from this point. However, Google’s solution is installed on all certified Android smartphones, which clearly makes it more popular.

With summer and holidays, it is certain that many travelers will turn to GPS navigation apps, and we have listed some of them in a special folder.