Fastboot Not Detecting Device in Windows 10? Fix for OnePlus, Xiaomi, Realme and More 1

Fastboot Not Detecting Device in Windows 10? Fix for OnePlus, Xiaomi, Realme and More

While ADB is easy to install on Windows and Mac and works flawlessly on Android devices, we have often found that Fastboot does not recognize the device. If you’re going to root your Android phone, unlock the bootloader, or flash a custom recovery, getting Fastboot right becomes the top priority. So if you are not detecting devices on Windows 10 with the same Fastboot issue, you have come to the right place. Here we have mentioned Fastboot solutions for Android devices from OnePlus, Xiaomi, Realme, Oppo and others. So, without delay, let’s get to the guide.

Fastboot Not Working on Windows 10? Here are the Fixes!

Here we have prepared a simple guide for your Windows PC to easily detect Android devices via Fastboot command. If you’re still getting the “device waiting for fastboot” error or experiencing driver issues, you can skip to the next section for a possible solution.

Note: ADB and Fastboot drivers must be installed on your system. Also note (if you haven’t added them to your PATH variable) you will need to open the command prompt (or Powershell window) in the Android Platform Tools folder on your Windows 10 PC.

Phone Won’t Connect to PC in Fastboot Mode? Fix Here

1. First, what you need to do download the latest Fastboot driver from here.

2. After that, Extract the ZIP file and preferably keep it on the desktop.

3. Then connect your device to PC while phone is in Fastboot mode or Bootloader screen. If ADB works for you, you can simply run it. adb reboot bootloader to instantly switch to Fastboot mode.

quick start mode

4. Now, “Windows + X” Keyboard shortcut in Windows 10 and quickly open “Device Manager”. You can also press the Windows key once and search for “Device Manager” and open it.

Open Device Manager

5. Here, “Portable” or “Other devicesYou will find the Android device you mentioned in the ” menu. However, it will show a yellow sign next to it which means Fastboot is not running on your computer. Now, right-click on it and click on “Update Driver”.

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driver update for android devices

6. A new window will open. Here, “Scan my computer for drivers“.

find fastboot drivers manually

7. On the next page, “Search” and select the Fastboot driver folder you extracted above. Simply select the folder, not a specific file. Device Manager automatically android_winusb.inf File and apply the update.

browse your fastboot drive

8. Click on “ after selecting the folder.Next“.

Install drivers to fix fastboot not detecting devices in windows 10

9. Now, Fastboot will install its drivers on your PC. if you get all kinds of errors then move on to the next method for an alternative solution.

confirmation screen of updated fastboot drivers

10. When done, you will see your Android device go to the top menu in Device Manager and the name will change to “.Android Phone -> Android Bootloader Interface“.

Device manager showing Android bootloader interface

11. Now open the command prompt window and fastboot devices to command. This time, it will detect your device. If the “fastboot devices” command still shows no devices in Windows 10, continue to the next step.

running fastboot devices command in cmd prompt

Fastboot Drivers Not Installing on Windows 10

If Fastboot drivers are not loading on Windows 10 and as a result Fastboot cannot detect your device, you need to do a simple step to get the drivers installed without any hindrance. you will have to deactivateEnforcement of Driver Signature” In Windows 10, so the PC can install any driver that does not have the required signature. Here’s how to do it.

1. Open the Start Menu and click the “Restart” button. holding down the “Shift” key. Release the Shift key when you see the “Please Wait” screen.

restart your PC

2. You will boot into the Advanced Recovery screen. Here, move to troubleshooting -> Advanced Options -> Startup Settings -> Restart.

initial settings

3. A new “Startup Settings” window will open. Here, Press “7” or “F7” On keyboard to boot Windows 10 without Driver Signature Enforcement.

Disable driver signature enforcement in Windows 10

4. Now, Windows 10 will start and you can follow the above method to install Fastboot drivers for your Android smartphone, whether it is Xiaomi, OnePlus or Realme and others. this time you will not encounter any errors While installing fastboot drivers.

5. If Fastboot still does not detect your Android phone, right click on “Android” and select “Update Driver” -> “Scan my computer for drivers” -> “Let me choose from a list of available drivers on my computer”.

Manually select fastboot drivers

6. After that, double click on “.android phone“.

Select android phone on Update Drivers screen

7. Here “Android Bootloader Interface” and click “Next”.

Install driver to fix Fastboot not detecting device in Windows 10

8. Finally Fastboot drivers successfully installed on your device and your PC will start detecting your Android device via Fastboot command.

screenshot of updated Android Bootloader drivers

9. With all this, I recommend moving the “Platform Tools” folder or the “Minimal ADB” folder. inside the “C” drive. Fastboot sometimes does not detect devices in other locations, so it is better to keep the folder in the “C” drive.

platform tools folder on C drive

Fix Fastboot Devices Not Showing in Windows 10

So you can install the necessary Fastboot drivers for your smartphone and fix the error immediately. Yes, it should have been a smooth experience considering Windows 10 handles all kinds of drivers on its own, but that’s apparently not the case with Fastboot. On some smartphones you need to provide the android_winusb.inf file manually. Anyway, that’s it for us. If you want to learn how to run ADB commands on Android without a computer, follow our linked guide. And if you run into any issues, let us know in the comment section below.

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