Fan-made HD remaster of Resident Evil 4 is finally complete 1

Fan-made HD remaster of Resident Evil 4 is finally complete

After seven years of development, Albert Marin and his small team have completed extensive rework. Resident Evil 4graphics on PC. Compared to some other projects where developers have upgraded or otherwise modernized the visuals for the next-gen or hardware platform, this team reviewed every image asset Capcom used to improve the game’s PC port, using funds donated by the project’s fans.

In some cases where old textures didn’t look as good at higher resolution, the team recreated most of them from scratch using photos or artificial intelligence, while trying to stay true to the original game’s aesthetic. When I interviewed Albert Marin in early 2021, the team collected over 4,500 Photoshop files and worked on the project for over 9,000 hours.

Personally, I’m surprised (but glad) that the team hasn’t received a cease and desist order from Capcom – especially closer to when the VR version is released in Quest 2. forum post about fan made patch Resident Evil 4Discussion page on Steam. You love to see it.

Fan-made HD remaster of Resident Evil 4 is finally complete 4

Fan-made HD remaster of Resident Evil 4 is finally complete 5

Screenshots showing the original Resident Evil 4 and HD Project’s improved graphics.
Albert Marin and Capcom

This HD project that can be installed as a patch Resident Evil 4 It does not make any gameplay settings on Steam. Instead, every stone, ammo box, doorknob – even cutscene visuals – have been lovingly updated by the team. For those who may have played recently Resident Evil 4 VR For Quest 2, this could be a fun way to experience the most polished version of the original third-person game.

If you want to try the HD project yourself, here’s how to do it:

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