Facebook’s services are always very practical, but when you want to delete a lot of content at once, surprisingly the social network seems to do everything possible to make it difficult for you. Thus, deleting a conversation on Facebook Messenger is extremely simple. But if there are several hundred like me and you want to clear the path, you will be done with a long and laborious process – you will have to delete each message one by one. This observation has been the same for years, and meanwhile Facebook hasn’t even lifted a finger to improve things. For example, we imagine it wouldn’t be too complicated to set up an interface that allows you to check several or even all messages at once and thus perform the same action, such as deleting all or part of your conversations. .
Of course, there is an alternative as simple as it is effective: delete your Messenger account. Fortunately with your PC/Mac and a small Chrome extension, it’s easy to delete all your messages!
How To Delete All Your Messages On Facebook Messenger?
For him:
- Open Google Chrome on your PC/Mac
- Click here to add the extension Quick Delete All Messages
- click on the logo Quick Delete All Messages in the section of the browser window that groups active extensions (top right)
- click Step 1. OPEN MESSENGER
- click Step 2. REMOVE ALL MESSAGES to delete all your conversations
- your messages then irreversibly deleted from your account
Warning: This action will only delete messages from your Facebook account. Copies of some conversations may still be available on your recipients’ devices.