Checking Your Battery Life in Windows 8 1

Checking Your Battery Life in Windows 8

In our constantly connected world, having a laptop or tablet to last all day is not just an extra; it is essential that users save as much time as they can to check their email or spend time playing their favorite videos. In Windows 8, Microsoft made some changes to improve battery life, and hardware manufacturers got better at creating Windows devices that last all day rather than just a few hours.

Of course, users need a quick way to find out how much battery power their Windows 8 laptop or tablet has. Here’s how to check your battery in Windows 8 and see how long you have until you need to recharge it at the nearest power outlet. You can use these methods to find out how much battery you have left while plugged in or on the go.

No matter where they are or what app they’re in, touch users should place their finger on the right edge of their screen and swipe left slightly to open the Charms Bar. A popup in the lower left corner will show you the time, date, and whether you’re connected to wifi. There’s also a small battery indicator. Unfortunately, this view does not show how much time you may have left.

Mouse and keyboard users should place the mouse cursor in the upper right corner of their screen to reveal the Charms Bar and information center.

For an estimate of how long your device’s battery will last, you’ll still need to go to the Desktop environment. Go to the Start Screen by pressing the Windows key on your laptop keyboard or by pressing the Windows button at the bottom of your tablet or 2-in-1 screen.

Mouse and keyboard users must click the arrow on their screen to access the list of installed applications. Touch users should place their finger anywhere on it and drag upwards.

Checking Your Battery in Windows 8 (1)

Tap or click in the list of installed apps.

Checking Your Battery in Windows 8 (2)

Look for a battery icon in your Taskbar. By default, it’s on the right next to your Wi-Fi indicator. Tap or click on it to view more battery options and see how much power your battery has left. The icon is live, so it will show you your battery level without clicking or tapping on it. Hovering keyboard and mouse users also get a rough estimate of how much time they have to run out of battery.

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Checking Your Battery in Windows 8 (3)

It is important to note that this battery level only takes into account what the device is currently doing. If you have your device’s screen brightness turned on and a powerful app like Photoshop is running, it will show less time.

Checking Your Battery in Windows 8 (5)

As you curb your power usage, you’ll find that the amount of time your device can stay on increases. Changing your device’s Power Options in the menu may mean more or less battery life.