Batch Resizing and Changing Image Formats in macOS Sierra 1

Batch Resizing and Changing Image Formats in macOS Sierra

Have you ever had a lot of images on your Mac that you need to sort, resize and export in the same format? I have to do this regularly, and if you’re like me, you probably want to do it as quickly as possible. Fortunately, there is a very simple and quite intuitive method that will allow you to resize several images at once in macOS Sierra. You can also directly convert a range of images. First, let’s take a look How to batch resize images on Mac:

Batch Resizing Images in macOS Sierra

The default application for opening images and making basic edits on Mac is Preview. While this app looks incredibly simple, it hides a large number of features that make it extremely useful. One such feature is the ability to resize a large number of images at once. To do this, simply follow the steps given below:

one. select all images select the one you want to resize and open them all in Preview by pressing ” button.command + O“.

2. In the preview sidebar, you will be able to see thumbnails of all the images you have opened. Choose any of them and click “command + ANow press “ to select allShow Markup ToolbarClick the ” button. When the Markup toolbar opens, “Set Size” button.


3. In the dialog that opens, enter the desired width or height for all images and click “OK“.

enter custom value

note: Just enter the height or width to keep the aspect ratio. If you enter a height or width value greater than the height or width of some images, they will expand to fit the value you entered.

Once you click “OK“, all selected images will be resized to fit the values ​​you enter. Isn’t it easy? You can use this method to quickly resize a large number of images to fit the values ​​you want.

Batch Convert Multiple Image Formats on macOS Sierra

Another great thing you can do with Preview is to convert the format of several images at once. You can use this method to quickly convert a large number of images from JPG to PNG, PNG to JPG and more. Actually you can use this method to quickly convert images to any format supported by Preview. To do this, simply follow the steps given below:

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one. select all images format you want to convert and open them in Preview.

select all and open

2. In the preview sidebar, select any of the images and then press the “ button.command + Ato select allFile -> Export Selected Images“.


3. In the dialog that opens, click on it. “Options” From the Drop-down menu to view the format you exported, choose format you want to convert images and click “To choose”.


When you do this, all selected images will be exported to the format you selected. You can use this method to quickly export a set of images to any format supported by Preview.

SEE ALSO: Batch Rename Files on Mac Without Using Third-Party Apps

Resize and Convert Your Images Faster with Preview on Mac

Preview is an app that hides a surprising amount of power and can do many things on its own that you might be using a third-party app or website. You can use these methods to quickly sort all your images and easily perform tasks such as batch renaming, resizing and even converting image formats. There are many other options in Preview and you should definitely play with them to reveal more of their hidden talents. Also, if you run into any issues with using Preview to batch resize or convert image formats, or if you know an easier method to do it, feel free to let us know in the comments section below.