Reports are coming in from across the US that Android smartphones at Verizon are ready to hit the road early this weekend. We’re not talking about great Android smartphone deals, but rather the wrong times showing up on Android phones from HTC and Motorola.
If you have an HTC or Motorola Phone on Verizon, you should double check the time as they can report 5 to 10 minutes before the real time. The issue affects different phones in different ways. A Droid Eris in our house is reporting the wrong time but ThunderBolt and Droid X2 are correct. Twitter has the following news: Droid 2 shows the wrong time additionally.
Some users reported that they could fix the problem by rebooting, but this does not fix the time issue for all users. A reboot fixed the duration of our Droid Eris, but to be on the safe side, we’ll keep an eye on it. Until you’re sure, double-check the time on a wristwatch or computer before heading out for the long weekend.