Android: How to check if someone is stealing your Wi-Fi and repel thieves 1

Android: How to check if someone is stealing your Wi-Fi and repel thieves

Isn’t it absolutely wonderful to be at home? No more shrill noise from the city, easy access to the slightest snack without having to pull out your credit card, game consoles and digital devices as much as you want… And just when you’re about to play your favorite game online or watch your favorite movie stream, horror: your lague link.

Impossible, then you will say to yourself, my 1Gbps fiber optic connection cannot suffer such problems! Then the question will naturally arise in your mind: What if a neighbor disconnects you? We all had it once in our head and we are here to help you relax by analyzing your connection to block the slightest intruder directly from your phone. android.

Android: prerequisites

  • Have a rooted phone
  • Android 4.0.3 or higher

The application we will use today will need root access to be able to scan your Wi-Fi network and block unwanted connections. If your phone is not rooted, you can follow our tutorial to gain root rights on your device. If you don’t have root and the procedure scares you, even if there is no reason for it, don’t worry, know that you can also hack through your computer to check your wi-fi against thieves.

Android: Download Pixel Netcut

The application that we will use to analyze the network is called. Pixel Cut. It is a very powerful and complete network diagnostic tool that can be easily used on mobile devices thanks to its interface designed for the platform. But don’t panic: you don’t need to get the app from external sources as it is available directly on the Play Store. There is no risk of being hacked on the way, so:

Google Play store

Android: grant root rights to the app

Naturally, Pixel Netcut will need root rights directly to work and will prompt you for it during startup. If you’re used to all this, don’t worry. If not, let’s explain. The app requests access to a deeper control than the Android system normally allows. In this case, it will help him fully control the Wi-Fi network he connects to and actually act on it. This is all you need to do to grant root rights Click on “Grant”.

protect wifi thieves

Android: Analyze connections on your Wi-Fi network

Once this is done and of course connected to your own wi-fi, you will have access to the list of all devices connected to your network in T instant. Application, routerI’Mac Address andIPs used by every device. By clicking on it, you can also access the name of the manufacturer of the device connected to your network. Convenient to avoid making the mistake of blocking one of your devices.

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wifi protects thieves

Android: Block unknown connections on your Wi-Fi network

And of course the most important step: block connections from those who disconnected you. With your list in your pocket, we recommend going around your home and devices and renaming what you know and have right in the app using the button. arrangement. Once this is done, simply turn off the slider on the side of your list to block network connections from that particular device. If you made a mistake, do not worry: re-enable it in the same way.

If you have a list that is known for finding your devices, you can consult it regularly to make sure that the connected terminals are indeed yours. If your connection drops, a quick glance at the app will reassure you that people in your network are or aren’t the presence you want!

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