All about FLoC, which replaces advertising cookies in Google Chrome 1

All about FLoC, which replaces advertising cookies in Google Chrome

What is a cohort?


A group one relatively homogeneous group of internet users who share centers of interest and therefore to whom It is possible to serve targeted ads in aggregate rather than individually. Divide the audience into groups on paper it can help protect user privacy. But the method also avoids circumventing this tracking and avoiding any ad targeting.

Mostly FLoC puts Google, the publisher of Chrome and the architect of this cohort system, at the center of the game. It prevents new entrants from offering alternative systems unless the system has a strike force equivalent to the billions of daily users of Google Chrome and Chromium versions.

This is FLoC “makes the browser a vital gatekeeper for the entire ad tech industry”. The American regulator estimated its fair share in March: Forced passage of FLoC is an anti-competitive practice.

What does Google, the main proponent of the FLoC system, say?

What do you think about this new tracking system? Is Google really taking the right direction for and against its critics? Or, on the contrary, should we be wary of this new initiative and its consequences, which could strengthen the dominant position of the search engine and internet browser? Share your opinion in the comments!

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