Is World of Warcraft coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X soon? Blizzard “talks about it all the time” 1

Is World of Warcraft coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X soon? Blizzard “talks about it all the time”

Is World of Warcraft on PS5 and Xbox Series? This is a crazy idea. While some competitors like The Elder Scrolls Online or Final Fantasy XIV have gone this route long ago, Blizzard’s MMO remains strictly limited to the PC platform. But for how long? Holly Longdale, the game’s executive producer, says: that a move is far from impossible.

Blizzcon, the publisher’s annual convention, was held this weekend. On this occasion, Games Radar site asked him the following question: Blizzard Interested in porting WoW to consoles? Here’s Holly Longdale’s response:

” Of course! Yes, we talk about this all the time! »

World of Warcraft wants to last at least another decade

Would such a port be technically possible? WoW is a game designed primarily for PC, not home machines. No problem, According to the producer:

“I don’t think it’s a problem. I think we’re in a pretty good place on that, and that’s why we’re discussing it. (…) We’re working on three new expansions and we’re very excited. But yeah, obviously (…) we’re talking about it. We’re Microsoft now! »

World of Warcraft will celebrate its twentieth anniversary in 2024, but it is far from the end of its lifespan. At Blizzcon, the studio broke its traditions announcing not one but three extensions : Civil War, Midnight, and The Last Titan. All three will be included in an ongoing narrative arc called the WorldSoul Saga. It’s a long-term “Marvel-style” plan that should keep the game alive until at least 2030. Today, World of Warcraft is no longer the most played MMO on the planet (that title goes to FF14), but it remains a major juggernaut of the genre. Could its arrival on consoles allow it to regain its throne?

After a dull period marked by internal issues, WoW may well rise from the ashes with this new strategy.

Source : Game Radar

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