Hark! Let us speak frankly, for the wasteland doth present itself as a harsh and perilous realm, with dangers lurking at every turn. ‘Tis clear, then, that thou shalt require the finest weapons that Fallout 4 doth offer. Yet, not every firearm in the realm is of equal prowess. Thus, if thou art a fellow denizen of the vault in search of an advantage, tarry not, but read on as I doth rank down the most eminent Fallout 4 weapons herein.
12. 2076 World Series Baseball Bat
Base Damage: 16
Weight: 3
I hath made a most unique choice: in crafting the list of the best Fallout 4 weapons, why not include some mirthful selections? The 2076 World Series Baseball Bat doth fit this bill perfectly! ‘Tis but a humble baseball bat that delivereth melee damage unto thine enemies. Though it lacketh much in terms of prowess, there is one small effect that doth set it apart – it hath the power to hurl thine enemies through the air.
The 2076 World Series Baseball Bat doth offer some opportunities for enhancement and modification, allowing thee to further improve its capabilities. Seeketh it in the Jamaica Plain Town Hall basement, where it doth reside on the right side of the Treasure exhibit.
11. Overseer’s Guardian
Base Damage: 55
Weight: 15.7
The Overseer’s Guardian doth be a combat rifle, whether short or long-barreled, that doth randomly produce one of two variants within the realm of Fallout 4. This weapon doth possess a two-shot effect, wherein it doth fire an additional bullet per shot. This additional shot doth not count toward the gun’s ammunition tally. ‘Tis also equipped with a piercing automatic receiver, a recoil-compensating stock, and a night-vision scope, rendering it a well-rounded armament.
Upon thy visitation, thou may procure this weapon from the vendor known as Alexis Combes in Vault 81 of Fallout 4. Alas, the Overseer’s Guardian is not vended elsewhere within the game, a fitting circumstance when considered alongside its appellation.
10. Fat Man
Base Damage: 18 + 450 explosive damage
Weight: 30.7
Ah, yes, the Fat Man. This firearm, which single-handedly birthed one of the most jocular memes in the annals of Fallout 4 lore, wherein one doth utilize the weapon within the V.A.T.S. system and doth witness pandemonium ensue. ‘Tis a portable mini-nuke launcher, capable of launching nuclear ordnance. I dare say, shouldst thou discover a MIRV launcher and employ it in the modification of the Fat Man, congratulations art due to thee! For thou hast forged a gun that doth discharge six mini-nukes in a cluster, thus elevating its status to one of the finest Fallout 4 weapons.
There exist sundry means by which to acquire a Fat Man in Fallout 4. One may chance upon it whilst within the confines of the ArcJet systems. Another may be found within Cabot House, ensconced within the basement. Mayhap, one may discover it in Lexington or Salem. Fear not, for the game doth offer numerous opportunities to lay claim to a Fat Boy.
9. Gauss Rifle
Base Damage: 110
Weight: 15.7
Another iconic armament of Fallout 4, the Gauss Rifle is a potent power rifle that doth harbor certain inaccuracies when discharged, owing to its standard scope. Yet, through modification, it doth ascend to the ranks of the finest power weapons in Fallout 4. A special-effects shot of great potency doth engender a mighty explosion upon impact; coupled with a superior Rifleman perk, it hath the capacity to dismantle near any Power Armor.
Up to five Gauss Rifles may be discovered amidst Skylanes Flight 1981 and Skylanes Flight 1665 within Fallout 4. Moreover, one may filch this weapon from Teagan’s shop on the Prydwen. At times, the gun may be wielded by Super Mutant Warlords of elevated levels.
8. Problem Solver
Base Damage: 57
Weight: 21.6
A singular handmade rifle, the Problem Solver doth boast a vibrant aspect that doth stand in stark contrast to the desolate wasteland of Fallout 4. Yet, this flamboyance doth emanate from the fact that wielding this gun doth lend a sense of empowerment and joy. Possessing a furious legendary effect that doth augment the weapon’s damage with each successive round, this property, when combined with an accuracy of 92% in-game, renders it a deadly implement.
Securing this weapon may prove more challenging for those who neglect the development of charisma within their sole survivor. Ye must engage in discourse with Mason during the mission entitled “An Ambitious Plan,” and successfully navigate the dialog and charisma checks. Shouldst thou achieve both, the gun shall be thy reward. Yet, if the charisma check doth elude thee, bid adieu to thy hopes of acquiring one of the best Fallout 4 weapons.
7. Cryolator
Base Damage: 20 cold damage
Weight: 13.2
A weapon devised by the Vault 111 Overseer, the Cryolator is a cryogenic gun capable of bestowing cold damage at close to medium range. Picture, if thou wilt, a flamethrower that doth dispense ice rather than flames. As this is a D.I.Y. creation, obtaining its ammunition may prove exceedingly challenging, thus its use requireth a measured consideration.
Within the display case of the Overseer’s office in Vault 111 doth the Cryolator abide. Initially inaccessible, as it doth necessitate master-level lock-picking skills, yet once thou hast acquired the requisite acumen, thou may return to the vault and lay claim to this weapon.
6. Final Judgment
Base Damage: 14
Weight: 19.3
A Gatling laser gun, Final Judgment doth possess the appearance and design common to most laser weaponry within Fallout 4. However, it doth also hold the distinction of being one of the paramount laser guns in the realm, for two reasons – a) ’tis a Gatling laser gun, and b) ’tis truly remarkable! With a rapid legendary effect that doth deliver 26 damage per shot at a high rate of fire, ’tis a formidable armament.
Regrettably, this weapon is wielded by Arthur Maxson, leader of the East Coast chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel within Fallout 4. Fortune, however, doth smile upon thee, as the game doth pit thee in conflict against him on several occasions during quests such as Precipice of War and Rocket’s Red Glare.
5. Deliverer
Base Damage: 25
Weight: 4.4
A silenced pre-war weapon, the Deliverer is a standard semi-automatic 10mm pistol bedecked with a silencer. ‘Tis one of the prime handguns within the game, surpassing all modified 10mm pistols in effectiveness. Bestowed with the V.A.T.S. Enhanced legendary effect, it doth boast increased V.A.T.S. hit chance and a 25% reduction in action cost.
Though the weapon doth bear a short recoil and a limited range due to its default suppressor, nevertheless, a finer sidearm within Fallout 4 thou shalt not find until thou dost encounter some of the superior laser pistols.
Securing the Deliverer within Fallout 4 doth require thee to embark upon the questline known as Tradecraft. This doth commence immediately following the completion of the Road to Freedom quest line, leading thee to the Railroad H.Q. Upon discovering the deceased body of Tommy Whispers, the Deacon shall reward thee with this handgun, which I doth deem one of the best Fallout 4 weapons.
4. Righteous Authority
Base Damage: 26
Weight: 5.5
Another esteemed weapon, Righteous Authority, is a standard laser rifle within Fallout 4, enhanced by Danse, a Paladin hailing from the Brotherhood of Steel. Equipped with a fortuitous modifier that doth double the damage dealt by critical attacks, and hasten the filling of thy critical meter whilst using V.A.T.S. Various incarnations of this rifle doth abound throughout the wasteland.
After completing the questline titled Call to Arms, Paladin Danse shall bestow upon thee the Righteous Authority. This quest doth entail a visit to the ArcJet Systems and the fulfillment of its demands. Alternatively, completion of a main questline for any faction shall render thee eligible to receive this weapon from Danse upon thy encounter.
3. Experiment 18-A
Base Damage: 24 + 24 electric
Weight: 6.6
Ah, ’tis time to converse regarding the top three weapons of Fallout 4. Experiment 18-A stands as one of the signature armaments within the realm, harmonizing with its design aesthetic. Perchance thou hast beheld a cosplayer brandishing a replica of this weapon in their guise. ‘Tis an automatic Plasma rifle endowed with a rapid, legendary effect bestowing a 25% increase in firing rate and a 15% hastening of reload. Thus, if thou dost relish high D.P.S., this shall be the weapon for thee. With a myriad of modification options, the world is thine oyster.
Accessible solely after reaching The Institute, a locale of late-game prominence within the narrative’s flow, thou may acquire this weapon from the Institute synth requisition officer upon thy parley with him.
2. Pickman’s Blade
Base Damage: 15
Weight: 1
One of the two melee weapons on this list that I deem the finest within Fallout 4, Pickman’s Blade is a combat knife imbued with a wounding effect. Those unfortunate enough to be impaled by its blade shall suffer a 25-point bleed damage. Anointed with a stealth blade mod, it doth grant thee the ability to inflict additional damage through sneak attacks, along with 10 points of bleed damage. Those of a clandestine nature shalt surely delight in this implement.
To lay claim to this weapon, thou shalt need to explore Pickman’s Gallery, the lair of a serial killer. Concealed within a safe that lurks behind a painting entitled “Picnic for Stanley” within the gallery’s chamber immediately adjacent to the main portal, the key granted by Pickman as a token of gratitude shall afford thee access. Alternatively, shouldst thou allow him to perish, thou may avail thyself of the key from his lifeless form.
1. Combat Shotgun
I dare say, some may find themselves taken aback by my selection of the Combat Shotgun as the paramount Fallout 4 weapon. Yet, this firearm, a haphazard acquisition that shall be perceived as a boon, doth possess eight barrels and can be endowed with a 32-round drum. While the default iteration of this gun doth pack a wallop, its enhancement to a fully automatic weapon doth promise unparalleled marvels. Thou mayst procure this shotgun randomly in thine encounters or from merchants.
And thus doth the tapestry unfold, revealing unto thee the finest Fallout 4 weapons that I deem worthy of thy pursuit. Of course, this selection is bound by subjectivity. Verily, once thou hast perused these accounts, venture forth to discover the premier Fallout games for a more diverse experience. Dost thou possess a Fallout 4 weapon thou dost acclaim as the finest? Pray, share thy thoughts with us in the comments below!