Recently, Sony announced a brand new model of PlayStation 5. The Slim version, which does not say its name and has a feature: It can also be purchased without a disc reader. and then add one.
The principle is very simple: You remove part of the shell, clip the removable disk in place and that’s it… only apparently, because Sony has stated that additional processing will be required to complete the process.
The new PS5 will need to be connected to the Internet to insert its disc
A box of this new PS5, or rather the Modern Warfare 3 bundle, has surfaced on the internet. It gives interesting information on the subject. It’s written so small you have to squint your eyes:
“Internet connection required to pair disc player with PS5 during setup”
This simply means that once the reader is plugged into your machine, it will need to be connected to verify that everything is OK. Somehow, we dream, to see if the device is official and available.
But this pose serious questions about something becoming obsolete. Today, connecting to the internet to verify your purchase seems simple. But what will happen in ten years? Twenty years ? Will future retrogaming fans encounter closed servers?
As a reminder, the new version of PS5 changes the console only at the design level, because this is similar to the previous hardware side. It is gradually replacing the current model, so it does not complete the range. Therefore, there is no need to upgrade for those who already own the machine.
Additional images of the Modern Warfare III PS5 Slim Bundle
It says “minimum 150 GB” on the back. It also says a 90GB+ download is required to play.
Bundle available November 10
(ty) @_tlyer)
— CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) 24 October 2023