The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time golden skulltulas locations 1

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time golden skulltulas locations

There are 100 Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time golden skulls to track down in Hyrule, but they’re well worth your (and Link’s) time collecting these elusive collectibles. This is because each counts towards unlocking a new reward at the Skulltula House in Kakariko Village; this allows you to carry more Rupees, discover hidden secrets and increase your HP in return. Of course, if you need another reason to find these items, it helps to know that each one will also lift a curse that has horribly broken a family! Whatever your reason for calling them, these are all of the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time golden skulltulas locations.

The following rewards are unlocked for finding the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time golden skulltulas:

  • Collect 10: Adult Wallet (Link can carry 200 Rupees)
  • Gather 20: Stone/Piece of Pain (Lights up when Noises/Secrets approach)
  • Collect 30: Giant Wallet (Link can carry 500 Rupees)
  • 40: Gather 10 Bombchus
  • Collect 50: A piece of heart
  • 100: Collect 200 Rupees

Golden Skulls can only be found at night, underground or inside dungeons. Some are only available as teen or adult Link. Use Boomerang (as a kid) or Hookshot (as an adult) to bring the item to you if its icons are too far away to get it. Keep this in mind when searching!

Kokiri Forest / Lost Forest / Sacred Meadow

01 (Young Link, Nighttime) – After finishing the first dungeon, return to Kokiri Forest at night and find the spider behind the house of Know it all Brothers.

02 (Young Link) – Use a Bottle to catch some bugs, then drop the bugs on a piece of land near the Item Shop to reveal a napping Skull.

03 (Young Link) – Turn left twice at Lost Woods and drop bugs on the patch of ground.

04 (Young Link) – Go right-left-right-left-left in Lost Woods. Once again, dump the bugs in the patch to reveal the Skulltula. Once you have all four Bottles it’s best to worry about them later.

05 (Adult Link) – Plant a Magic Bean in the same spot as the Skull above, then as an adult ride on the leaf to find the new Skull

06 (Adult Link) – Use Hook Shot to attack a spider hiding in Gemini House.

07 (Adult Link) – Climb the ladder in the Sacred Meadow and you will see a Skull hugging the wall. Hookshot can hit him and collect the coin.

Inside the Great Deku Tree

08 (Young Link) – In the room with the compass, next to a small treasure chest.

09 (Young Link) – After falling on B1 you will see this Skull stuck to a fence.

10 (Young Connection) – In the same room, hanging on the wall.

11 (Young Link) – Bomb the wall in the room with Gohma larvae.

Kakariko Village

12 (Young Link, Nighttime) – Enter the tree near the entrance to swing a Skulltula.

13 (Young Connection, Night) – Holding onto the Skull House.

14 (Young Link, Nighttime) – Bustle inside the house under construction.

15 (Young Link, Nightime) – Near the house by the door to Death Mountin.

16 (Young Connection, Night) – On the ladder of the long lookout. Use the Fairy Slingshot to kill him, then go upstairs to get the coin.

17 (Young Link, Nighttime) – In the Graveyard, use the Boomerang to hit and kill the Skulltula on the wall.

18 (Young Link, Nighttime) – There is a piece of land on the left – use some bugs and get the next spider.

19 (Adult Link, Night) – Use the Hook Shot (or Long Shot) to climb onto the rooftops and find a Skull prowling in Impa’s house.

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Death Mountain / Goron City

20 (Young Link) – There is a piece of earth at the entrance of Dodongo Cave. Drop some bugs, collect the spider. Make sure to plant a Magic Bean here for a Heart Fragment later!

21 (Ya) – Notice the strange looking wall near the beginning of the path. Bomb it and find the next Skulltula. Strangely enough, you can climb this wall.

22 (Young Link) – Find a room full of rocks on the top floor of Goron City. Head towards a chest and roll inside to reveal the spider.

23 (Young Link) – As you enter Death Mountain Summit (possibly after completing the second dungeon), quickly roll into a chest. You’re out of time due to the heat, but you should have plenty of wiggle room.

24 (Young Link) – There is a speck of earth near the Fire Temple entrance. Come back as a child and drop the bugs to get the Skulltula. This piece of land also plants a Magic Bean, resulting in two Heart Pieces.

25 (Adult Connection) – There is a red rock near the entrance to Goron City. smash it.

26 (Adult Link) – Look for a red rock along the wall at the rockfall area. Smash, find the next Skulltula.

27 (Adult Connection) – Behind the stone holding the Spiritual Fire Stone dangling in the main room. Use Hookshot to collect it.

Dodongo Cave

28 (Either) In the room with the tiny Dodongo babies, bomb a fake wall, either with your own bomb or with the babies’ explosive death. Inside is your mug.

29 (Ya) After using the bomb flower to create a ladder, look for some vines near the upward exit.

30 (Ya) After entering the giant skull, turn right and bombard the back of an Armos statue.

A small opening above the bombable stairs where you find 31(Ya)29. Use Boomerang as a Child or Hookshot as an Adult.

In room 32 (Adult) Baby Dodongo (was at number 28), notice how Navi will fly and circle another area. Play the Scarecrow Song (obtained by visiting Lake Hylia in the past, later as an adult) and Pierre will appear as a Hookshot point.

Zora River / Area of ​​Influence / Fountain

33 (Child) Roll into the tree next to the entrance.

34 (Child, Night) At the waterfall entrance of Zora’s Domain, go down and find a Skulltula stuck to the ladder.

35 (Adult, Night) Use Hook Shot to tag a Skull on high walls as you head up the river.

36 (Adult, Night) You will cross a wooden bridge above the river. Use the Hookshot (or Longshot) to mount a Skulltula high.

37 (Adult, Night) Do you remember the diving game when you were a kid? Return to that spot as an adult and use Longshot to get the next coin.

38 (Child) At the Zora Fountain, roll into the tree at the back of the field.

39 (Child, Night) On the wall next to the giant log. Use the Boomerang to get the icon.

40 (Adult, Silver Glove) Raise a heavy stone near the back of the field, enter and get the Skull below. Keep the Lens of Truth handy below…

Lake Hylia

41 (Child, Night) On an island far off the lake, there’s someone hanging around. It’s the same island as the island where you get the Fire Arrows, btw.

42 (Child) On a patch of land near Lakeside Lab.

43 (Child, Night) Located at the back of the Lakeside Lab. Wait until you get the Boomerang to get it.

44 (Adult) At the top of a giant tree trunk. Use Longshot to go up.

45 (Adult) At the bottom of the pool inside the Lakeside Lab. Use Iron Boots to sink in there.

Inside the Belly of Jabu Jabu

46 (Child) After Ruto falls into the hole, look for a Skull on the far wall. Use Boomerang to shoot.

47 (Child) After clearing the green tentacle, fall into your hole and find yourself in the same room as #46. Here is another Skulltula.

48 (Child) On the second floor, in a room with needles.

49 (Child) On a hanging wall in the room before fighting the Boss Barinade.

Gerudo Valley

50 (Child, Night) Look to the right as you cross a small wooden bridge. The skull is placed in a square hole.

51 (Child) Glide through the canyon with a Cucco and plant a bug on a patch of land.

52 (Future, Night) Behind the tent, across the broken bridge.

53 (Future, Night) Under a stone formation near the tent.

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Jungle Temple

54 (Adult) In the first room, climb the hanging wall and find a Skull there, near the Little Key.

55 (Adult) In the main room with four torches, on the wall near the back door.

56 (Adult) On the wall in the upper right room. Use Hookshot/Longshot to pull yourself up.

57 (Adult) Locate on a ledge on the right side of the courtyard (upper left room).

58 (Adult) Phantom in the returning room before the battle with Ganon. Rotate the room until you reveal the room with the skull.

Fire Temple

59 (Adult) In a room with rocks rolling in several directions. Bomb the false wall on the north side.

Near the entrance to the room containing the 60 (Adult) Megaton Hammer.

61 (Adult) Play the Song of Time to remove one of the blue blocks from the first floor. Find the spider behind it.

62 (Adult) A room with rotating tiles and Similar. On the wall, in front of you.

63 (Adult) Use Scarecrow’s Song and Long Shot to get a hard one that hangs on the fourth floor.

ice cave

64 (Adult) In the room with the Blue Fire and the Compass. Look for it on the wall.

65 (Adult) In the room with the big spinning blade, behind the ice. You will need Longshot.

66 (Adult) A Skull is located on the wall of the sliding box puzzle room.

Water Temple

67 (Adult) On the wall of the room with the movable platforms. Requires longshot.

68 (Adult) In the tunnel with all the whirlpools, along the left wall.

69 (Adult) Use Longshot to tag someone in the main room, accessible from the second floor.

70 (Adult) In the main room, on the first floor. Bomb a false wall when the water is at its lowest point.

71 (Adult) Behind a waterfall near Morpha’s lair.

bottom of the well

72 (Child) In a similar room, along the back of the dungeon.

73 (Child) There are two locked doors in the central room. One includes this Skull…

74 (Child) … and the other includes this. Use the Lens of Truth to navigate rooms with confidence.

Shadow Temple

75 (Adult) In the room with the invisible blade.

76 (Adult) In the pointed room.

77 (Adult) B3 has a flaming skull statue. Drop a bomb inside and find Skulltula behind his remains.

78 (Adult) In a cage next to the boat. Use Scarecrow Song and Longshot.

79 (Adult) Three skulls in the rotating room after the boat ride.

Gerudo Castle

80 (Adult, Night) The top of the east wall.

81 (Adult, Night) In the archery range, behind one of the poles.

Desert Colossus / Haunted Wasteland

82 (Adult) When you find the Phantom Guide in the Haunted Wasteland, look inside the nearby structure.

83 (Adult, Night) In a tree near the withered oasis. If it’s not there, play Song of Storms and see if it shows up.

A piece of land near the 84 (Child) Spirit Temple, huh? Drop some bugs in there.

85 (Adult, Night) Now, as an adult, get on the floating plant and jump when crossing a platform with another Skull.

Spirit Temple

86 (Child) All over the fence in the room with the flying Keese.

87 (Child) On the climbable wall from 1F to 2F. I can’t miss it.

88 (Child) In the hallway before your fight with Iron Knuckle.

89 (Adult) Play the Song of Time to make a blue block disappear in the room with the rolling rocks.

90 (Adult) Play Scarecrow Song in the giant statue room. Use Longshot to pull yourself over the edge and claim the token.

Hyrule Castle / Market area

91 (Child) Inside the watchtower next to the market.

Play the Song of Storms near the tree where you found 92 (Child) Malon.

93 (Child) Roll into the tree as you enter the castle grounds.

94 (Adult) The Castle of Hyrule is on an arch after it became Ganon’s Castle.

Lon Lon Farm

95 (Child) Roll into a tree by the farm gate.

96 (Child, Night) Behind the corral.

97 (Child, Night) Next to the high silo where you found the Heart Piece.

98 (Kid, Night) Stuck in a window of the farmhouse.

Hyrule Field

99 (Ya) Bomb a tree between Castle Hyrule and Kakariko Village. Get into the hole and use the Boomerang or Hookshot.

100 (Ya) Place a bomb inside a circle of rocks near the entrance to Gerudo Valley. Burn the inside nets with Fire Arrows or Din’s Fire and claim the final Skulltula.

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