Verily, the Pokemon GO July roadmap draweth near its conclusion, heralding the arrival of Diglett and Alolan Diglett onto the grand stage of the spotlight hour. Familiar are thee with these Pokemon, for they have carved their names deep within the annals of the series. Should thou desire to add these Digletts and Alolan Digletts unto thy party, then read on, as we doth unveil our Spotlight hour guide here.
Pokemon GO Diglett and Alolan Diglett Spotlight Hour Time and Special Bonuses
Behold, the Pokemon GO Diglett and Alolan Diglett Spotlight Hour shalt commence on the 23rd of July in the year 2024, betwixt the hours of 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM by local time. During this fleeting moment, players shall bear witness to an increased spawn rate of Diglett and Alolan Diglett, granting them a splendid chance to ensnare these Pokemon.
‘Tis akin to the spotlight hours of yore in July of 2024. However, this time doth bring a unique twist, for thou shalt encounter two variants of a single Pokemon. Should a Diglett beset thee without three tufts emerging from its brow, that be a normal Diglett that hath graced games and anime alike. But, if three tufts doth protrude, lo, that be an Alolan Diglett. Equal be thy chances of encountering both Pokemon on this selfsame date.
Furthermore, thee shall receive 2x Evolution XP during this Spotlight Hour. Make haste to utilize this boon by evolving any Pokemon of thy choosing. ‘Twill fortify thy team for raid battles and mayhap even PvP skirmishes.
Pokemon GO Diglett and Alolan Diglett Spotlight Hour: Best Tips to Catch
Now that we know the appointed date and hour, tarry with us as we unfold the best tips for the Pokemon GO Diglett and Alolan Diglett Spotlight Hour:
Carry Tons of Poke Balls
Ensure thy stores be abundant with Poke Balls on this day. Equip thyself with Great Balls and Ultra Balls as thou venture forth, and ensure that regular Poke Balls be within reach. ‘Twill greatly enhance thy chances of capturing as many Diglett and Alolan Diglett as the fates shall allow during this hour of light. Should thy reserves run low, make way to a nearby PokeStop, spin it several times, and thou shalt have ample Poke Balls anon. -
Use Adventure Incense
The Pokemon GO Adventure Incense doth multiply the Pokemon that doth appear in thy vicinity, making it simpler to encounter them. ‘Tis imperative to make use of the Pokemon GO Adventure Incense during the Pokemon GO Spotlight Hour to maximize thy chances of discovering and seizing multiple Diglett and Alolan Diglett. -
Use Some Razzberries
Diglett and Alolan Diglett boast a 50% catch rate in Pokemon GO, rendering them relatively simple quarry in the wild. To heighten thy chances of crossing their path, ’tis best to wield Razz Berries. Employing Razz Berries enhances thy Pokemon catch rate, granting thee a greater likelihood of capturing them and reveling in the event’s success. - Walk a Lot
Walking formeth the bedrock of Pokemon GO. The more thou dost walk, the more Pokemon shalt thou encounter and capture. This truth holdeth sway over Diglett and Alolan Diglett today, hence strive to traverse as far as thy feet can carry thee. Furthermore, if thou dost aspire to evolve thy Diglett and Alolan Diglett into Dugtrio and Alolan Dugtrio, then this moment is a splendid occasion to focus on that.
Mayhap thou hast found our Pokemon GO Diglett and Alolan Diglett spotlight hour guide to be of value. Pray, if thou hast further tips to impart, do share them in the comments below!