Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise Timed Research: Tasks & Rewards

Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise Timed Research: Tasks & Rewards

Hark! As Pokemon GO doth commence the month of July, the inaugural event dubbed Aquatic Paradise is upon us! This event hath a watery theme, akin to events of yore, and doth beckon thee to partake for a fleeting span of days. Shouldst thou venture outside this rainy season to fulfill the tasks, behold all Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise timed research tasks and rewards.

Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise: Start Time and How to Join

This be a gentle reminder of the impending Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise event! It doth commence on July 6, 2024, at 10:00 AM and draws to a close on July 9, 2024, at 8:00 PM local time. This event be a part of the Pokemon GO July roadmap and art the initial of many planned for this moon.

During this special momentous event, thou canst capture diverse Pokemon and garner rewards such as potions, Poke Balls, and more. Yet, unlike the traditional unique research tasks, thou must purchase this timed research for $1.99, or a sum equal in thy abode.

Thou shalt find the Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise event beneath the Events tab in the research menu. Complete it by the designated date to ensure thou dost not miss out!

Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise Timed Research Tasks and Rewards

The Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise event shall showcase Water-type Pokemon. Ergo, finishing the Wandering Waddles Timed research shall bestow rewards upon thee. Some shall be items, whilst others shall manifest as encounters with Pokemon. Thus, let us peruse all the Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise research tasks and rewards!

Upon accomplishing these tasks, thee shall receive three Lucky Eggs, a Ducklett Encounter, and 20 Ducklett Candy.

Pokemon GO Aquatic Paradise Field Research Tasks and Rewards

As is custom with event-related tasks, thou shalt procure the Field Research task for Aquatic Paradise by spinning a PokeStop. Therein, thou shalt encounter four sets of functions. Behold all the field research tasks and rewards:

  • Catch a Ducklett: Potential encounter amidst Corphish, Finneon, and Frillish. (All shiny variants available)
  • Catch 5 water-type Pokemon: 500x Stardust, 5x Great Ball.
  • Explore 1 KM: 1x Rare Candy.
  • Explore 3 KM: Clamperl Encounter.

There be no additional rewards this time; hence, shouldst thou complete the field research tasks, thee shalt solely receive the afore-mentioned rewards. Nevertheless, these tasks shalt bring thee new water Pokemon.

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Hast thou ventured into the Aquatic Paradise event in Pokemon GO? Pray tell us in the comments below.

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