Since the Atari era, it’s impossible for anyone to say that there hasn’t been a gigantic evolution in games. What used to be just a few pixels floating around the screen have now become true works of art.
In fact, many current game scenarios are more beautiful than many movies. However, logically, for this to be possible, a huge investment is required.
Luckily, with the huge increase in the number of games and consoles, the increase in their sales was also inevitable. Although there are logically “indie” game studios, which have smaller investments, there are still huge studios, which employ thousands of people and move billions of dollars in the international market.
Even if you’re not very connected to the gaming market, it’s very likely that you’ve heard about the big gaming companies, namely: Sony (PlayStation), Microsoft (Xbox) and Nintendo (Switch). Currently, these are the most profitable game and console development companies in the world, but in addition to them, there are several studios that develop and produce games.
How much did the new ‘God of War’ cost?
One of the most popular franchises of all time is, without a doubt, “God of War”. In 2018, the game received a sequel in which we can see the protagonist Kratos, now older and more mature, after overthrowing the entire Greek pantheon.
In this adventure, we follow him and his son Atreus on a journey to fulfill the wish of Kratos’ deceased wife and Atreus’ mother.
The game was undoubtedly a critical, commercial and sales success, leading to its sequel released in 2022. The sequel was titled “God of War: Ragnarök”, making reference to the death of the Norse pantheon, which is the setting of the new story.
This game, like the previous one, was a huge success among everyone, and logically made a lot of money on the international market. However, few people asked themselves a very important question: how much did this new game cost?
Let’s remember here that, in addition to all the development costs, there are also costs for actors, which can be quite high. This happens because the game uses a motion capture system, in addition to dubbing the characters. With this, there are costs to be able to apply all the new technologies, as well as optimization so that everything works correctly.
Therefore, the British newspaper The Guardian published an interview in which one of Sony’s executives, Shunei Yoshida, revealed how much it cost to produce “God of War: Ragnarök”. According to the information, the cost of this new game was approximately 200 million dollars.
The game certainly had a huge production cost. However, Sony knew very well that this amount would be more than justifiable, after all, as we can see now, the game is a worldwide success.