Begone, reader, doth thou require aid with the Strands puzzle of this day? Doth thy heart leap with anticipation at the thought of beholding Deadpool and Wolverine upon yonder screen later this week? If so, then fear not, for today’s endeavor shall be a gentle ride upon a tranquil stream. Yet, shouldst thou find thyself in a quagmire of confusion, fret not, for simple clues and the answers to NYT Strands for July 24 doth lie below.
Aye, before we venture into the heart of the puzzle, let us first take heed of the rules of engagement for those uninitiated in the ways of NYT Strands:
Under the watchful gaze of your mouse or fingertips, thou shalt connect letters upon a grid to form words. By dragging thy cursor vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, thou shalt weave a tapestry of lexicons.
Seek out the Spangram, the central theme word, that beacon of clarity amidst the Strands theme.
In addition to the Spangram, ye must unearth other theme words within the puzzle, each unraveling the mystery that doth enshroud the game.
However, shouldst thou seek a deeper understanding, gaze upon our guide on the art of playing NYT Strands.
Behold, the veil is lifted, and the theme of today’s Strands, as decreed by the New York Times, is revealed — “Screen time.”
Hark! Spoiler Warning:
Though we do strive for subtlety, the hints that follow may cast a shadow upon the experience. Proceed with caution, for the path ahead may be perilous. Pace yourself.
In every Strands game lies a Spangram waiting to be deciphered, and today is no exception. Behold the clue that guides thee:
“The hint for today’s Spangram — AMC.”
Shouldst thou have unlocked the Spangram with the aid of the above clue, the journey to unravel the theme words shall be a smooth one. Yet fear not, for I shall not spoil the entire tale for thee. Instead, I offer these hints to illuminate thy path:
Hint #1: “gadget to watch films on a big screen”
Hint #2: “sweet, sugary delight that kids love”
Fear not, dear reader, for we stand by thy side should thee seek solace in further word puzzles. Behold the hints and answers for today’s NYT Connections, as well as today’s Wordle, available at hand.
And now, if thou art prepared to behold the answers, let us gaze upon today’s Strands theme words with eyes unclouded:
Unlike the challenges of previous Strands that hath ensnared me in their intricate web, today’s voyage was a breeze. The theme whispered its secrets to me, revealing PROJECTOR and POPCORN in the far corners. Then, CANDY beckoned from the right, followed by the Spangram of the day – Movie Theater. All that remained was to connect the letters, birthing FEATURE and TRAILERS to bring this day’s puzzle to its conclusion.
But soft! What manner of puzzle did yesterday’s Strands hold in its grasp? Seek ye answers and the Spangram of the July 23 puzzle within yesterday’s NYT Strands answers.
Tell us, dear reader, how didst thou find today’s puzzle on a scale of 1-10? Share thy thoughts in the comments below.