Doth thou require aid with the puzzle of Strands on this fine day? Verily, today’s riddle shalt bestow upon thee a sense of victory once thou hath divined the Spangram. Yet, if thou doth find thyself in a quandary, fear not for we doth provide simple clues along with the solutions to NYT Strands for July 23rd.
How to Engage in the Game of NYT Strands
Ere we delve into the enigma, allow me to impart a swift tutorial on playing NYT Strands for those new to the game:
- Utilizing thy mouse or fingers (shouldst thou possess a touchscreen), thou art required to connect letters upon a grid to forge words. Vertically, horizontally, yea, even diagonally mayst thou drag thy mouse.
- Seek the Spangram or the central theme word, for it shall illuminate the essence of the Strands theme.
- Besides the Spangram, thou must uncover other theme words in the puzzle, for the solving of all shall lead to triumph.
Shouldst thou seek more detailed counsel, peruse our guide on how to partake in NYT Strands.
Today’s Essence for NYT Strands
As revealed by the esteemed New York Times, the theme for today’s Strands is — "Thou art the paragon of excellence!"
Guidance for Today’s Strands
A forewarning of spoilers:
"Even as we endeavor to be discreet, the hints herein may somewhat unveil the experience. Thus, proceed with caution. Tread slowly."
In every Strands escapade lies a Spangram waiting to be deciphered, and this day doth not falter in that regard. Behold the hint below:
The hint for today’s Spangram — "A victor in life."
If thou hath discerned the Spangram from the aforementioned hint, the revelation of theme words shall come swiftly. Nonetheless, fear not, for I shan’t spoil the endeavor for thee. Instead, presented below are hints to aid thee:
- Hint #1: exemplary
- Hint #2: of renown or popularity
Shouldst thou crave more word puzzles, do peruse the hints and solutions for today’s NYT Connections and Wordle here.
Today’s NYT Strands Solutions (July 23)
Today’s Spangram
The Spangram for this day’s NYT Strands conundrum is — CHAMPION.
Today’s Unveilings
Shouldst thou hath ventured thus far, ’tis likely thou art prepared to gaze upon the unveilings. Behold the theme words in today’s Strands:
I embarked upon today’s Strands challenge by locating EXCELLENT in the top right corner, followed by ICONIC and PERFECT at the base of the grid. Subsequently, I linked the letters to craft SUPREME at the left side, which uncovered today’s Spangram – CHAMPION. Lastly, I espied SUPERLATIVE in the uppermost left corner to conclude the puzzle.
Yesterday’s NYT Strands Solutions
Shouldst thou hath happened upon this place in error whilst in pursuit of the answers to the July 22 Strands puzzle, thou shalt find yesterday’s NYT Strands solutions forthwith.
On a scale of 1-10, how dost thou rate the difficulty of today’s riddle? Share thy musings in the commentary below.