Pray, dost thou seek aid with the conundrum of today’s Strands puzzle? Verily, thou shalt find thyself entangled in a most peculiar predicament, forsooth. But fret not, for we hath unraveled its mysteries already. Shouldst thou be in distress, we offer thee simple clues alongside the answers to NYT Strands for July 13 below.
In What Manner to Engage in NYT Strands
Ere we delve into the enigma, allow us to furnish thee with a swift elucidation on the art of playing NYT Strands for novices:
- By employing thy mouse or fingers (if thou art equipped with a touchscreen), thou art bid to link letters upon a grid to form words. Vertically, horizontally, or diagonally mayst thou drag thy mouse to connect the letters.
- Seek ye the Spangram or the central theme word, for it shall illuminate the path through the Strands riddle.
- Beyond the Spangram, thou art enjoined to discover other theme words within the enigma, for their revelation shall unlock its secrets.
Yet shouldst thou desire a more intricate understanding, peruse our compendium on how to partake in NYT Strands.
The Theme of the Hour for NYT Strands
According to the New York Times, the theme for the current Strands be — Hello Kitty
What Tidings Await Thee in Today’s Strands
To wit:
Though we strive to maintain a degree of subtlety, the hints afore may somewhat unveil the spectacle. Proceed with caution. Tread slowly.
Each Strands saga harbors a singular Spangram that must be deciphered, and today is no exception.
Hark! The hint for today’s Spangram — feline hair
Having unraveled the Spangram from yon hint, the quest for theme words shall be more accessible. Yet I shan’t spoil the revelation for thee. Instead, here be some clues to guide thee:
- Clue 1: gallants adorn this garb at the prom
- Clue 2: hue and a fruit
If thou art inclined towards further diversions of word craft, venture forth to explore the hints and solutions for today’s NYT Connections, as well as today’s Wordle herein.
The Resolutions for Today’s NYT Strands (July 13)
The Present Spangram
The Spangram awaiting thee in today’s NYT Strands puzzle — FURCOAT
The Instant Reveal
If thou hast journeyed thus far, perchance thou art prepared for the unveiling of answers. Let us together survey the theme words in Strands of this day:
The notion evoked by today’s enigma did summon images of the denizens of Hello Kitty, prompting me to commence my search for the answers. Swiftly did I chance upon the words BLACK and TUXEDO, yet subsequent discoveries eluded me. After a span of searching, a hint guided me to the word TABBY. The Spangram remained elusive.
Thereafter, the word Tortoise beckoned, yet ’twas not the solution to the Strands riddle this day. Linking fervently led me to uncover TORTOISESHELL, a revelation among the answers. ORANGE materialized to the lower left, unveiling the Spangram of the day — FURCOAT. Finally did the word CALICO draw nigh as the denouement.
Yesterday’s Glance Upon NYT Strands Answers
In the event thou hath stumbled upon this place in error, seeking the answers and Spangram of the Strands puzzle of July 12, peruse the answers of yesterday’s NYT Strands.
Upon a scale of 1 to 10, how dost thou reckon today’s enigma ranks in complexity? Share thy musings in the comments beneath.