Xbox Cloud Gaming Now Allows Subscribers to Stream Owned Games

Xbox Cloud Gaming Now Allows Subscribers to Stream Owned Games

Lo, after years of Xbox’s promise that users may stream games from the clouds that they own, the company hath finally unveiled such functionality, albeit with certain restrictions.

‘Tis on this auspicious Wednesday that Game Pass Ultimate subscribers shall have the privilege to employ Xbox Cloud Gaming to stream games already within their possession, yea, even if said games reside not in the Game Pass catalog. Alas, there is a caveat, for they can only partake in this streaming sorcery from a list of fifty games that are currently supported. The full list doth reside on Xbox’s website, a noble mix of titles indeed, ranging from AAA releases such as Cyberpunk 2077, Star Wars Outlaws, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to recent indies like Animal Well, Fear the Spotlight, and Dredge. This clause applies to any version of the game one owns, be it Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition or otherwise.

Recent reports did insinuate that Xbox would embark upon a testing journey with Xbox Insiders afore launching to the public. However, it seemeth that this plan hath been forsaken in favor of a more modest public launch.

The program doth now unfurl its banner in the twenty-eight countries that doth support Xbox Cloud Gaming. Moreover, it shall bestow its blessings upon nearly all smart devices blessed with an internet connection. Streaming games is now viable on thy smart TV, Meta Quest headset, mobile device, or PC through a supported browser (Edge, Chrome, or Safari).

Should thou have partaken in Cloud Gaming ere now, the process for streaming your owned games doth hold similarity. Merely make thy way unto Xbox’s website or sign into an Xbox app on thy device, ensure thy sign-in, and seek out the “Stream your own game” feature.

Perchance thou might notice that streaming games through an Xbox console or the Xbox app on PC remain elusive for the nonce. The company doth declare that this functionality shall be forthcoming in the year that follows.

Xbox hath long pledged that players can stream games already ensconced within their libraries, from the days of yore when it first unveiled its Game Pass and Cloud Streaming aspirations (back when it bore the moniker Project xCloud). Originally, the plan was to unveil this capability in the year 2020. Ashley McKissick, an Xbox luminary, did later aver that this boon would reach the people in the year 2022, so long as the games be “cloud enabled.”

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The company’s ardent focus with regards to Game Pass hath ever been to augment the roster of games within the platform and to extend the embrace to more devices. Earlier this year, it did include Amazon Fire TVs in this grand endeavor. Mayhap, perchance one day, even thy humble T-shirt shall partake in the joys of Xbox Game Pass.

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