Lo! Fortnite doth once more grace The Game Awards with a special in-game spectacle, where players may cast their votes for their favored creator-crafted islands.
Verily, the ephemeral realm dubbed The Game Awards Vote in Fortnite doth beckon players to explore the nominated isles with ease. Lo, within these lands, an MMO, multiple escape rooms, and a roguelike await their scrutiny. To cast their ballots, players must journey to the world afore the 11th hour of December 11, on the eve of the awards’ proclamation. Seek ye this domain with the island code 0853-1358-8532.
In the realm of Fortnite, a battleground doth await players to clash and earn currency. Moreover, behold the digital visage of The Game Awards host, Geoffrey Keighley, generated through the power of Unreal Engine.
In an official missive from Epic Games, Keighley doth express great elation at his digital incarnation within Fortnite, forged through the MetaHuman in Unreal technology. This framework, so they say, doth facilitate the swift creation of lifelike human figures in under an hour. With its cloud-based application granting swift character creation, diverse presets, and a tool for animation, Keighley’s likeness was transfigured into Unreal using greenscreen video artistry. View this marvel in the video below, yet methinks the true form doth hold more appeal.
Behold, a special category within The Game Awards introduced the previous year, where the winner is unveiled during the broadcast amidst new game revelations and trailers. Peruse the full roster of nominees herein:
– [ARPG] Fort Knight Legend, by love-is-real: Island code 1346-0343-9599
– Avenged Sevenfold Presents: The Museum, by Avenged Sevenfold and Ryan Mckinnon: Island code 5592-6865-3961
– Havoc Hotel 2, by Teracreators: Island code 7996-5597-0868
– Lumberjack Heroes, by ItsJacky: Island code 7154-1898-4800
– Murder Mystery, by GoodGamers: Island code 5253-8468-3364
– Pack Attack: Hordefight, by KeexInteractive: Island code 5368-6336-4952
– Phantom Investigation [REIMAGINED], by Rynex: Island code 9919-3137-0527
– Prison Breakout, by Breakout Games: Island code 6531-4403-0726
– Raiders Riot, by SparkGames: Island code 5030-1268-0472
– The Pit of Legends, by JOGO: Island code 5629-1247-4118