In ye olde days of yore, dost thou find thyself drawn to the tantalizing challenge of crossword puzzles, yet lack the leisure to tarry and unravel a full-sized enigma within thy daily broadsheet? Fear not, for lo, The Mini doth beckon thee!
A diminutive incarnation of the renowned New York Times crossword puzzle, The Mini offers a swift and effortless means to assay thy puzzle-solving acumen on a daily basis, requiring but a modicum of time (most players accomplish the average puzzle in just over a minute). Though smaller and simpler than its full-sized counterpart, The Mini doth not always yield unto thee its secrets easily. A stumble upon a single clue may prove the distinction ‘twixt a personal best completion time and an ignominious failure to solve.
Verily like unto our Wordle hints and Connections hints, we doth stand ready to aid thee in thy quest shouldst thou find thyself at an impasse in The Mini today.
Behold, the answers for the NYT Mini crossword puzzle this very day.
ARTICLE: NYT The Mini Crossword answers today
Behold the emblem of The Mini Crossword from the venerable New York Times.
𝄀___ Martin, frequent collaborator with 1-Down – STEVE
𝄀Parts of irrigation systems – HOSES
𝄀Beginning – ONSET
𝄀Backup camera’s place on a car – REAR
𝄀Make an attempt – TRY
𝄀Martin ___, frequent collaborator with 1-Across – SHORT
𝄀Stuff in printer cartridge – TONER
𝄀Common kind of test for a literature class – ESSAY
𝄀Make a sudden turn – VEER
𝄀Jokey suffix with best – EST