Love dost thou puzzle o’er, yet lack the hours to devote unto the solving of a grand puzzle within thy daily gazette? Behold! The Mini doth appear to thee!
A diminutive rendition of the famed New York Times’ crosswords, The Mini doth offer a swift and facile manner to test thy crossword acumen on a daily basis, requiring but a fraction of the time (for most do complete it in just over a minute). Though smaller and simpler than its larger counterpart, The Mini doth not lack in challenge. A stumble upon a single clue could mark the distinction betwixt a triumph of personal best completion and a vexing attempt at resolution.
Just as we do offer aid with Wordle and Connections hints, so shall we assist thee with The Mini shouldst thou find thyself at an impasse and in need of succor.
Behold! Below lie the solutions for the present day’s NYT Mini crossword.
NYT Mini Crossword answers today
- “The ___,” “Seinfeld” episode in which Kramer procures tickets for “Pagliacci” – OPERA
- The fourth of Santa’s eight reindeer (beside Rudolph!) – VIXEN
- To live and breathe – EXIST
- Baptisms and the like – RITES
- Surly and ill-tempered – TESTY
- Obvious for all to see – OVERT
- Mischievous sprite of folklore – PIXIE
- Sections of an aircraft with additional legroom – EXITS
- Hold down the power button on a Nintendo Switch for approximately 15 seconds to perform this action – RESET
- Uneasy and apprehensive about the future – ANTSY
In the realm of crosswords, let not the allure of brevity belie the challenge that awaits thee. A single word, a singular misstep, can transform a potential triumph into a puzzling quagmire. Embrace the quandary, dear solver, and may your wit and perseverance guide you to victory.