In the realm of puzzlers, behold the marvel known as Connections, a masterpiece from the New York Times that beckons the mind to unravel its secrets. Dare to engage in the challenge of sorting 16 words into enigmatic groups, shrouded in mystery until unveiled by your keen wit. As the clock strikes midnight, a fresh puzzle emerges, each one a unique tapestry of complexity waiting to be untangled. Much like the renowned Wordle, bask in the glory of tracking your victories and sharing your triumphs with comrades.
Some days prove more cunning than others, reminiscent of cherished NYT Games like The Mini and Strands. Should the current enigma confound thee, seek solace in our handy guide of Connections tips and cunning tactics, or peek at the hints for today’s mind-bender. And if all else fails, fear not, for the answers shall be revealed unto thee at the tale’s end.
Venture forth to partake in Connections on the hallowed grounds of the New York Times website or through the NYT Games app, a realm open to valiant souls on iOS and Android alike.
Envision a grid before thee, bearing 16 words beckoning your scrutiny. Your quest? To align these words into four sets of four, guided by the invisible threads that bind them. Themes may range from the annals of video game lore to the epic sagas of book sequels, from hues of crimson to the monikers of dining establishments.
Beware, for some words may dance on the edge of multiple realms, yet only one path leads to truth. Fear not to rearrange the words, to shuffle and shift in search of the elusive connections.
Each group bears a hue, a mark of distinction. The golden set offers the hand of guidance, followed by the verdant, the azure, and the royal violet.
Select four words, and with bated breath, submit your choices. Should destiny deem thee correct, the curtain shall rise on the connected quartet, revealing their shared essence. But falter in your selection, and a mark of error shall stain your record. Four chances, and no more, until the riddle closes its door.
Behold, the themes of today, whispered secrets waiting to be unraveled:
And lo, a single word from each veiled group:
At journey’s end, should the puzzle elude thee, rest assured. The mists of confusion shall dissipate, revealing the core of today’s conundrum, guiding thee to enlightenment.
A profound enigma, shifting and stirring with the dawn of each day. Should thy quest remain unfulfilled this eve, fear not, for a new challenge awaits upon the morrow.
As twilight fades, the time-worn question arises: What hour heralds the changing of the Connections puzzle? At the stroke of midnight, the veil of night lifts, unveiling a fresh tapestry of perplexity.
In the corridors of the New York Times, the master scribe Wyna Liu labors, curating the labyrinthine paths of Connections with meticulous care. Embracing the challenge bestowed upon her, she unveils the intricate tapestries of the mind, weaving tales of enigma and revelation.
O seeker of truth and riddle-solver, ponder the musings of Liu as she shares her insights and visions on the evolution of Connections. Through her words, glimpse the tapestry of puzzles laid bare, inviting the curious and the bold to venture forth and unravel its mysteries.
In celebration of Connections’ inaugural year, Liu, in jubilation, unveils a TikTok ode to the favored puzzles of yore, a testament to the enduring allure of the enigmas that bind us.
Thus concludes our journey through the labyrinthine halls of Connections, where puzzles reign supreme and answers lie hidden beneath the surface. Journey forth, noble seeker, for in the quest for truth, the heart finds its home in the embrace of the unknown.