Behold, dear reader, this tome hath aged o’er five long years, wherein it may contain tidings outdated.
Lo! The MLB season doth draw nigh, and whispers abound of baseball skins gracing Fortnite’s digital realm! Epic, known for striking partnerships afore, notably with the NFL, hath brought forth splendid skins that do boast allegiance to thy favored team. A collaboration with the MLB doth seem a fitting venture, heralding the season in grandeur.
HYPEX, in his ceaseless exploration, hath uncovered these textures within the annals:
A visage of yore, perchance, yet manifesting the essence of a baseball garb. The ensuing image doth proclaim its true nature:
Verily, a visage of a baseball mitt, casting a spell of allure. ‘Twould perchance become a pickaxe or glider in due course! Alas, mysteries shroud us still, but the hour is ripe for baseball wonders, as the MLB season beckons close! Yet, nay, these leaks are but whispers, nothing spoken by official tongues.
Behold! Our commenting platform hath seen an enhancement! Existing comments shall find sanctuary in days hence.